Google Calendar + Asana

Google Calendar is a scheduling calendar service that allows you to easily schedule meetings and manage your time by keeping all your calendars in one place.

The Google Calendar + Asana integration helps teams plan, schedule, and stay on top of their day.

Google Calendar rules integration

With rules, teams can go from manually scheduling meetings to automatically creating a Google Calendar meeting with project collaborators when an Asana task reaches a certain stage.

rules integration

For example, using rules, teams can create a trigger that adds an event to a team calendar when a task is moved to a "Scheduled" section and also invites task collaborators to the event. Teams can also use this for recurring task scenarios; i.e., they can create a recurring "Send agenda for meeting" task, which sends out an event invite when the task is completed.

Steps to configure rules integration

  1. Navigate to the specific Asana project where you’d like to add a rules integration
  2. Click Customize in the top-right corner, navigate to Rules, and select + Add rule
  3. Select Google Calendar from the left column
  4. Either select a preset rule or click Create custom rule
  5. If creating a custom rule, add a name, and choose a trigger and action to get started
  6. Authenticate by clicking Connect to Google Calendar Rules
  7. Sign in with your Google account and click Allow
  8. Fill out the fields for the Google Calendar event
  9. Optionally, invite task collaborators as event guests

Add calendar events to tasks as widgets

Teams can also add event widgets to tasks to link related work and show key details on the task, such as event time and organizer. For example, when scheduling a client meeting, users can link the meeting to a task so that task collaborators know the meeting has been scheduled. Event widgets will be automatically added for events created by the "Google Calendar with Rules" integration.

calendar event

After you’ve set up the Google Calendar integration, here’s how to set up the data sync setting for event widgets:

  1. Click Customize in the top-right corner of the Asana project that you’d like to add this setting to, and navigate to Apps
  2. Select Google Calendar, and navigate to the Data sync setting tab
  3. Select the calendar for sync (Note: This setting only applies to calendars where you are the event organizer)
  4. Select the task fields that should be connected to event fields
  5. Select Save and close to activate the setting

Data sync setting for event widgets

With the data sync setting, teams can easily ensure events stay updated with the tasks that were used to schedule them. This setting allows teams to configure the Asana task fields that should stay updated in the calendar event if an event is attached.

event widget

For example, if a rule is used to automatically schedule an event, the event organizer can edit the due date and time from the Asana task, and the change is reflected in the calendar event.

Sync Asana tasks to Google Calendar

Teams can also easily sync all tasks in an Asana project, or My tasks to their Google Calendar to ensure work doesn't slip through the cracks. Milestones or deadlines coming up for projects will be visible in Google Calendar when syncing a project's tasks. In syncing My tasks, tasks to be completed each day are visible in Google Calendar, helping teams stay focused.

Here’s how to use project sync for for all tasks in a project or My tasks into Google Calendar:

Sync all tasks in an Asana project

  1. Navigate to the project and click the drop-down menu next to the project’s name
  2. Click on Export/Print and select Sync to calendar
  3. From the pop-up window, copy the URL
  4. Go to Google Calendar, and from the sidebar, click Other calendars
  5. Select From URL
  6. Paste the URL of the project

Sync all tasks in your My tasks

Tasks to be completed each day are visible in Google Calendar, helping teams stay focused

  1. From your My tasks, click the actions drop-down menu
  2. Select Sync to Calendar
  3. From the pop-up window, copy the URL
  4. Go to Google Calendar, and from the sidebar, click Other calendars
  5. Select From URL
  6. Paste the URL of the project

This is a one-way sync from Asana to your calendar. Updates to your calendar will not be reflected in Asana.

Install the Google Calendar + Asana integration

Plan, schedule, and stay on top of your day, and use Asana Rules to automatically schedule events on your calendar.

Install the Google Calendar + Asana integration

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