Why Asana?

Asana is the easiest way for teams to track work and get results. See why you should add Asana to your company’s toolset.

Get down to business

Between status meetings, scheduling conflicts and never-ending email chains, a lot of your time at work isn’t focused on work. Asana lets you know who is doing what, by when. Communication is focused and actionable and you’ll always know the status of work happening across your team. Spend less time talking about work, and more time actually getting it done.

Asana reduces work about work

Asana reduces work about work

*Source: McKinsey Global Institute, "The Social Economy"

How Asana helps teams get more work done

  • Asana has made teams 1.45 times more efficient
  • 65% of customers say Asana has reduced the amount of email and status meeting with their team
  • 66% of customers say Asana enables them to get more work done

*Based on a 2016 survey of Asana Premium customers

Complete your collaboration toolset

Asana gives you something that other collaboration tools don't—total clarity and accountability across your company. Add Asana to your collaboration toolset to know who is doing what by when. And Asana integrates with your files and apps for seamless collaboration.

  • File creation & sharing tool: For creating, storing, and sharing files and documents with your team. (Examples: Dropbox, Google Drive, Box.)
  • Asana: For tracking all your team's work—including who's responsible for what, by when.
  • Messaging and communication tool: For connecting and communicating across teams. (Examples: Gmail, Slack)

More results

Don’t take our word for it. We recently surveyed thousands of Asana Premium customers to better understand how Asana helps their team track work and get results. Here’s what we found:

  • 80% of customers say Asana increases accountability on their team
  • 81% of customers say Asana helps them communicate about work more easily
  • 68% of customers say Asana makes their team's goals more clear
  • 74% of customers say Asana helps their team meet deadlines

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