Rolling out Asana across your company

If you’ve decided to make Asana your company-wide work tracking tool, you can use our custom email template to introduce it to your organization. Just follow the instructions below:

  1. Copy the text in the template below.

  2. Make sure to fill in and double check bolded text for accuracy. You can also remove anything that isn’t pertinent to your team.

  3. Further customize the email with your voice and any additional information you want to add about why your organization has chosen Asana and what you will gain from it.

  4. Send the email!

    Hello [everyone],

    We have decided to start using Asana, a work tracking tool for teams, company-wide. For the past few [week(s), month, or other timeframe], the [specific team, or a few teams] [has/have] been trying it out, and [has/have] seen great success.

    Asana allows teams to break goals and ideas down into actionable tasks, assign that work, and communicate in one place to move work forward. At an organizational level, that means work across teams is connected in one place, and that we have greater visibility into each other’s work. Ultimately this leads to better collaboration, less work about work, and more transparency into how individual and team efforts contribute to achieving overall goals.

    Asana can help us with [solving a specific pain point, achieving a goal, tracking a major initiative, etc.]. We’ve already created [a few tasks, projects, teams, and conversations] and are inviting the rest of the company to join. Soon you’ll receive an invitation email from Asana, and it will guide you through the signup process.

    Once you’ve signed up, we encourage you to start creating tasks, projects, teams, and conversations. To get started, we recommend checking out Asana’s quick start article, which teaches you the basics and offers more resources for you to learn.

    If you have further questions or comments about using Asana or would like more information about the reasons behind this decision, please reach out to [names and/or emails of appropriate people to reach out to] and we’d be happy to chat.

    [Add in any additional information here]

    [Closing greeting and your name]

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