Help Center Article Documentation

This document demonstrates Markdown syntax, as customized for Asana.

I'm a header, level 2 (We don't use h1's in articles)

Markdown is pretty magicalmagicalRead more but to have all the best stuff, we've created a few special shortcodes. Use TermTermDefinitionRead more to insert a tooltip, but make sure the word and its definition are in the file. Plurals and non-infinitive verb forms are ok! Use TermTermDefinitionRead more sparingly. If you need a different verb form or ending, use the optional text parameter: TermTermDefinitionRead more .

I'm a header, level 3

You can link to another page but if it's on our site, please do so without using the domain ( -- that way when we work on staging servers, you don't end up being sent to another place! Did you see that italics? You can make words bold, italic, or both with underscores and asterisks. If you want to get fancy, use the backquote character, which is the quote on the tilde key (it's the key with the squiggle on it ~) to make code or keyboard shortcuts monospace.

If you have a lot of code or just want to make sure it's on a new line, use three tildes before and after.

And I'm a header, level 4

  1. gaze upon
  2. a list with numbers
  • and here's a list
  • with bullets
  1. You can even nest the lists
  • Lists with bullets too!
  1. Actual numbers don't matter, just that it's a number

  2. Ordered sub-list

  3. With siblings

  4. Look I used the same number!

  5. And another item.

    You can have properly indented paragraphs within list items if you indent them with 1 or more spaces and have an extra line break before.

Level 5...
And level 6 headers are rarely never used.
  • Unordered list can use asterisks
  • Or minuses
  • Or pluses
  • They all look the same on the page.

Callouts and Blockquotes

Here's a blockquote. All blockquotes show up as "Asana Tips". Please note that the "Asana tip" part is added automatically. You start a blockquote with just one greater than symbol: > and Regular Markdown works here too!

But maybe you want a custom callout:

(Frustrating) things that often make the page "break":

  • You left out one of the 3-hyphen lines that identify the start/end of the YAML
  • You forgot to make sure there are "double quotes" and around all the values in the YAML, or the double quotes turned into icky “curly quotes” because they came from a word doc
  • The indented spaces in lists aren't the same -- the # of spaces matters
  • Something basically got copy/pasted weird -- look through all the changes you made, compare with similar pages like its one of those "find the differences" puzzles.

Images and classes

An image starts with an ! then continues like any other link. Don't forget the alt text between the square brackets, and never leave a space between the brackets and parentheses.

![Remember the Alt Text](

Remember the Alt Text

Adding {.screenshot} gives an image the zoom loupe when you hover over it. Make sure to fill in the alt text with what the screenshot is of.

![Asana Screensot of fill_me_in]({.screenshot}

Asana Screensot of fill_me_in

If you need a list/caption attached to the screenshot, you need just a little HTML around the screenshot:

<div class="screenshot-container" markdown="1">

![Asana Interface Overview]({.screenshot}

#### I'm an optional title for a list
1. **Cool** - This is an ordered list
1. But it _could_ be bullets
1. Or even a paragraph [with links](#top)!


Asana Interface Overview

I'm an optional title for a list

  1. Cool - This is an ordered list
  2. But it could be bullets
  3. Or even a paragraph with links!

Here's an example with regular bullets:

I think this is the task pane

I'm an optional title for a list

  • Title - This is an unordered list
  • Also known as bullets
  • Again anything can happen!

Swap screenshot for phone in the container class and you have it for mobile devices too:

From Settings, you can:

  1. Contact Support
  2. Rate the app
  3. Log out of your account

Regular mobile images just need the {.phone} class.

Whoa, it's a horizontal rule! All you need to do is type in *** or - - - on it's own line

This isa table
cell Acell B
cell Ccell D
There can also be a lot of textand bold or links

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