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App Annie aligns its global marketing team with Asana


Global Marketing timelines

Consolidated marketing campaign timelines across a global team

More productive meetings

Increased meeting efficiency and focus on high-priority topics

Centralized content library

Organized content and channel programs with filters for region and type

Company sizeSmall Business
Key workflows
Campaign managementProject managementEditorial calendars
Key features
portfolio iconPortfolios

Apps on a phone screen may look small, but they’re big business. Across the globe, consumers spend three hours a day in apps and will spend $120 billion in app stores in 2019—which is why App Annie’s mobile data platform and market insights inform the mobile strategies of the world’s largest publishers and brands.

App Annie’s marketing team is spread across five time zones and seven countries, including the US, UK, France, Japan, China, Korea, and Singapore. Stephanie MacArthur, Senior Program Manager, Marketing, helps them operate as one global team. She establishes processes, finds efficient collaboration methods, and manages large, global projects. In an effort to maximize alignment, gain visibility across regions, and see the impact of marketing campaigns, she tried moving the team onto a shared work management platform. It quickly became apparent however, that this new tool wasn’t working for the team—until she switched to Asana.

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We evaluated ten different tools, but the first two we picked didn’t win adoption. It was overly complex. It’s difficult to get marketers to use a tool when they could just do it faster in a spreadsheet.”

Information trapped in different teams divided the marketing organization

Initially, the Content team was using their own project management tool, the Creative team was using another, and everyone else used spreadsheets and slide decks to track their campaigns. This created information silos that blocked oversight:

  • Executives lacked a holistic view of all campaigns in flight, with information scattered across different tools and files.

  • Teams didn't have a way to track who was doing what or how it was tracking to handoff or delivery.

  • There was no standard way to collect assets from designers and manage creative requests.

The team chose a shared tool to bring everyone's work together, but it was so complex that it never gained traction. Stephanie decided to try something more user friendly. She had heard about Asana through her network and learned how to use it in just one day, using only the Asana Guide and self-guided trainings.

The platform was faster to ramp up on and still flexible enough to handle their three most important workflows: maintaining a global marketing campaign calendar, planning tasks for cross-functional product launches, and managing creative assets. So she brought it to the team.

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I was able to learn Asana within a day, on my own, without having to ask anyone for help. It was just night and day from my experience with the previous tool.”

Bringing the rest of the team into Asana

Stephanie successfully piloted Asana with a few process-focused marketing teammates first, then rolled out the platform to marketers across all regions. At first, individuals needed regular reinforcement to track their work in Asana, but soon executives saw how much visibility was possible with a consolidated platform. This leadership buy-in resulted in a huge uptick in adoption.

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It’s been amazing to watch how Asana’s been picked up throughout the company over the past few months.”

Greater solidarity for the global team

Today, all of App Annie’s marketing campaigns are tracked on a global campaign calendar—from blog posts to large multi-channel campaigns with tons of assets, as well as their recent rebrand—giving executives a bird’s-eye view of marketing activities and keeping teammates on the same page. Custom fields let Stephanie sort and filter campaigns for region, country, content type, and more. She also uses Portfolios to organize related projects, like customer stories, in one view so she can easily see how they’re progressing.


Asana was especially helpful while managing the marketing and creative work for the company’s rebrand that launched in September 2019. The team tracked all deliverables, external communications, and assets for the rebrand in an Asana project, organizing work into sections by channel and using custom fields to track additional data like region. Stephanie also added key rebrand assets, like launch emails and social campaigns, to the global campaign calendar so everyone could see when each was going live in context with other campaigns in flight. Because everything needed to go live on launch day and at specific times, managing this large and complex rebrand in Asana ensured everyone was aligned on deliverables, key dates, and responsibilities.

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One of the biggest benefits of Asana is that it helps us get the most out of meetings. We focus on critical items first and capture action items without delays. And I now have a much better global view of what's happening in our campaign calendar.”

Marketing team meetings are also much more effective now that they use Asana to prioritize the agenda, capture action items, and edit campaign plans in real time (rather than on a static slide deck, where plans used to live). This keeps the team focused on important topics and gives everyone a unified view of work happening worldwide.


Bringing more collaborators on board

With the success of the global marketing campaign calendar and rebrand, Stephanie and the App Annie marketers continue to move work into Asana and experiment with new workflows. They’ve been able to improve collaboration across teams—and as other departments notice the improvements in the marketing organization, they approach Stephanie and IT to ask whether Asana will work for them. The answer? Appsolutely.

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