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Essentials from Asanas who joined us remotely

March 26th, 2021
5 min read
Essentials from Asanas who joined us remotely (Article Banner Image)

At Asana we’ve grown a lot since going remote just over a year ago. We’ve grown into different schedules, work environments, and overall as people. We grew even more as a company, with almost 500 new Asanas joining us remotely from all over the world, who have never gotten the chance to meet or collaborate with their teams in person.

According to the Anatomy of Work Index, nearly 80% of workers who started a new job during the pandemic reported experiencing imposter syndrome. To help combat this, we’ve been intentional about creating spaces and providing resources for Asanas to feel welcomed, connected, and supported, no matter where they are located. This all starts on day one of a new Asana’s journey with Asanapalooza, our onboarding program designed to ensure new team members feel included and that they belong in their new role and team.

Now that we’ve been welcoming new team mates to Asana remotely for over a year, we checked in with some of the folks who joined us without ever setting foot in an Asana office. Get to know their experience as a new Asana and what’s been essential for their success over the past year!

How did you feel welcomed when you first joined Asana?

Akiko Nagahashi, Marketing, Tokyo

“When I joined Asana, I received a wonderful gift and a video message from my team members. My heart was filled with happiness knowing that even though we were physically far apart and spoke different languages, we were going to be members of the same team. I was really impressed by this thoughtfulness and heartitude, and I felt lucky to be joining such a great company. Also, thanks to the clear onboarding program, high level of transparency within the company, and generous support from everyone around me, I never once felt worried when I joined.”

Essentials from Asanas who joined us remotely (Image 1)

Saaya Haga, Marketing, Sydney

“I’ve had the best onboarding experience of my life with Asana. From welcome emails and new Asana swag to virtual introductions to the team, everyone at Asana went above and beyond to make me feel welcomed and valued during this pandemic. The team had a great sense of humor, and I’m truly grateful to be a part of such a caring team. The highlight of my onboarding was finding a Slack channel where we exclusively talk about dogs (#downdog)!”

Essentials from Asanas who joined us remotely (Image 2)

Okori Puryear, User Experience, San Francisco

“Starting a new job during the pandemic was a scary proposition. Luckily, I started that new job at Asana. I was so excited to meet everyone at Asanapalooza, followed by Conscious Leadership Group Training. We also had plenty of time for fun like pie making class, Zoom calls with goats, and little concerts at virtual company events. I truly have felt so welcome and supported here. Seeing the new office in SF taking shape makes me even more excited to get to be around all of my amazing colleagues in person one day soon.”

Nik Dhingra, Engineering, Vancouver

“From having candid conversation in our meetings to solving virtual escape room puzzles as a team, it’s been an amazing experience to join Asana. The one thing that really stood out to me is how my teammates regularly check in to see how I’m doing, and are always happy to hop on a call to answer any questions I might have. The support of my peers, onboarding team, and manager have definitely made the remote onboarding process an adventure instead of a challenge. I feel incredibly welcomed and a valued member of my team.”

Essentials from Asanas who joined us remotely (Image 3)

Lauren Machado, Design, San Francisco

“Asana has been so wonderful to me and the many of us who have joined fully remote. I have been here for almost an entire year and have only met the majority of my teammates over video! When I say it out loud, it doesn’t quite feel real. But the team has been welcoming and inspiring. One of my favorite moments with my team was a virtual happy hour, complete with a delicious charcuterie board. It’s little bonding moments like these that keep our team going. When I’m not working, I am cuddling with as many furballs as possible. Pet therapy works!”

What has been an essential for you while working remote?

Pia Papirowski, Sales, Munich

“What I’ve realized in working from home for a year is that routine is key. I’ve blocked focus hours, lunch breaks, and virtual workouts every Thursday morning with my friends and family. I think it is super important to be able to consciously step away from the screen for some ‘me’ time, which Asana encourages me to do. I also love coffee catch-ups with colleagues. Those catch-ups are how we can still create that connection while working from home.”

Greg Watts, Talent Acquisition, New York

“There are two things that have been essential for me working remote and onboarding Asana virtually these past few months. The first is the ongoing support from my team and manager! We are constantly checking in on each other, and creating an open environment where we can share ideas. Second would have to be the family time that is granted during this remote work life. Conversations, cooking dinner, and even going on weekly walks keep me motivated and ready for what my day at Asana has in store!”

Essentials from Asanas who joined us remotely (Image 4)

Sigurros Soffia Kristinsdottir, Engineering, Reykjavik

“Regular Zoom meetings to sync with my team have been important. I also find that going out for lunch for a short run or a walk can be really helpful, just to get out of my apartment a bit and get some daylight. Although the best view from my desk has been in the evening when the Northern Lights are out.”

Viktoria Hensler, Sales, Dublin

“What’s been essential for me since starting at Asana last summer is regularly getting fresh air and exercise during the week. I have gotten into the habit of waking up early to take a walk before work, which gives me so much more energy than just rolling out of bed and heading to my desk directly. I love grabbing coffee or going for a run at lunch time. When my workday ends, I try to spend as much time as possible off-screen by painting, playing piano, and cooking!”

Reyana Fayyaz, Product, San Francisco

“My team’s support and sense of humor has been essential to getting through the pandemic this year! Building relationships starting remotely is tough, but my team has been incredibly supportive, fun, and collaborative. I’m still so grateful to work with them everyday (even the ones who think that NJ bagels are better than NY’s!)”

Essentials from Asanas who joined us remotely (Image 5)

“Team engagement and carving out time for my personal life have been essential this past year. Since joining, I’ve felt super engaged with the broader legal team through our business and social virtual meetings. So many of us have joined in the last year that our virtual-only engagement seems pretty normal. I’ve been able to prioritize stepping away from my computer regularly by either taking a walk during lunch or reading a book to get away from the screen. I try to maintain strict work hours and I physically move away from my work space in the morning and evening so I can compartmentalize and ‘commute’ during this long remote period.”

Essentials from Asanas who joined us remotely (Image 6)

We’re excited to welcome you!

We can’t wait to meet our new teammates off video and collaborate in person again! In the meantime, we’re continuing to lean into initiatives, programs, words of encouragement, and global connection. There are lots of opportunities to make a big impact as we continue to grow and be supported by a welcoming team. Take a look at all of our open positions and apply today!

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