Know what’s on your team’s plate and make sure nobody is overwhelmed or underworked.
Drag and drop tasks to reschedule and reassign them to the right person.
Visualize workload into the future to make sure upcoming projects are properly staffed.
Get the complete picture: View your team’s workload in one place, even if they’re working on different projects.
Track resourcing over time: See a real-time chart to visualize workloads on a timeline, from now into the future.
Calculate effort: Assign a value to tasks, like hours or points, to factor in the relative effort of different assignments.
Narrow your focus: Filter to see workloads for specific people or projects.
Adjust the scope: View team bandwidth over days, weeks, months, quarters, halves, or years.
See every task: Click on each person to see a detailed view of all their assignments.
Reassign with a click: Drag and drop tasks on the timeline to adjust owners or due dates.
Set boundaries: Define the maximum workload your team can handle each week.
Workload is just the start. Track the pulse of your team with these features, so you always know where things stand.
Measure how much time you’re spending on work, so you can correctly budget the time you need.
See time trackingVisualize the state of your team’s work with real-time charts and insights.
See reporting dashboardsYour mission control center to monitor connected projects and collaborate across teams.
See portfolios