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53% of workers’ time is spent on busywork—such as communicating about work, searching for information, and chasing the status of tasks. That leaves less than half (47%) of their time for the skilled, strategic work they were hired to do.

The 4 taxes bankrupting organizations

The Connectivity Tax: The hidden toll of disconnection

Only 21% of workers are confident that people in their organizations work effectively across teams. Learn how to curb the Connectivity Tax and build a more connected workplace. 

Connectivity color background Illustration

The Velocity Tax: The bottlenecks that slow us down

Only 12% of workers say new information flows quickly between departments in their organization. Learn how to cut the Velocity Tax and remove technology and process bottlenecks to stay ahead of your competition.

Velocity Color background illustration

The Resilience Tax: The processes that crumble under pressure and change

Only 45% of employees say they’ll still work at their organization in six months. Learn how to reduce the Resilience Tax and create a more adaptable workplace that employees want to be a part of.

Resilience color background illustration

The Capacity Tax: The overwhelm that depletes employees’ bandwidth

75% of workers are battling digital exhaustion and 65% say they sometimes perform “productivity theater,” further draining capacity.  Learn how to tame the Capacity Tax and increase your team's bandwidth for meaningful work.

Capacity color background image

Download the research

Learn which taxes are holding your organization back and explore the cutting-edge research that will help you slash them.