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To understand how the workplace has changed, what's working and what's not, we analysed the attitudes and behaviours of over 2,100 ANZ workers and 1,000 workers in Singapore for our Anatomy of Work Index 2021. Download ANZ and Singapore report here. Did you know that ANZ workers only spend 13% and Singapore workers spend 15% of their time on forward-thinking strategy?
Watch this webinar to hear from our special guest speaker Vannessa McCamley, a Principal Consultant specialising in the neuroscience of leadership and Adam Chicktong, General Manager APAC at Asana. In this session, you'll learn the APAC findings of the Anatomy of Work report including:
Why 83% of Singapore workers and 77% of ANZ workers are experiencing burnout and how to protect your strategic thinking time
How to apply neuroscience to improve decision making, build resilience and adapt to changing environments
A neuroscience framework that enables fresh thinking and rewires brains for success