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Pivotal Tracker + Asana

Automatically create Pivotal Tracker stories from Asana tasks, or use Pivotal Tracker to create new Asana tasks.

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Connect Pivotal Tracker with Asana via Zapier

  1. Click the Use this Zap button below.
  2. Follow the prompts to sign up for a Zapier account, or sign in if you already have one.
  3. Connect Asana and Pivotal Tracker to Zapier.
  4. Follow the steps to set up the Zapier automation, known as a Zap.
  5. Test out your new Pivotal Tracker Zap.
  6. You're all set! The automation runs in the background, giving you time back in your day.

Learn more and get support

  • What is Pivotal Tracker? Pivotal Tracker is a collaborative, agile project management tool.
  • Where can I get support? This integration is supported by Zapier, email Zapier for support.
  • Read more: Check out all Pivotal Tracker and Asana integrations that are possible with Zapier.

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