Asana tips: 5 reasons to join the Asana Community

July 25th, 2024
Asana tips: 5 reasons to join the Asana Community

Update, 2/14/19: This post now refers to the Asana Community Forum. We’ve since launched Asana Together, our official community program, which you can learn more about here.

Wonder how other teams use Asana? Need step-by-step walkthroughs? Want to connect with Asana customers and employees? Wish granted. We’re happy to announce the Asana Community, a forum for anyone to ask questions, discuss ideas, and connect with peers about how to use Asana. We’ve rounded up our top five reasons we love Community, but we think you’ll find plenty more when you check it out for yourself!

The Asana Community is a forum for anyone to ask questions, discuss ideas, and connect with peers about how to use Asana.

1. Get your Asana questions answered quickly

Our support team works hard to answer your questions around the clock every day, but if you want an answer ASAP, you can also turn to the Community. With thousands of active users, no matter what your question, chances are somebody can not only answer it, but quickly.

Get inspired: In just one day, a Community member was able to get their question solved about how to prioritize and plan their work for the week.

2. Learn how teams like yours use Asana

There isn’t necessarily just one way to use Asana, which makes it easier to customize, but a little harder to figure out exactly what works for you. While you can always check out our use cases on the Guide, the Community is a great way to learn about workflows for any type of team (or process). Even if you have your processes dialed in, you might get inspired to try something new based on what other Community members are doing.

The Community is a great way to learn about workflows for any type of team process.

Get inspired: See the Community work its magic to help a member fine-tune an advertising calendar.

3. Get down to the details

We have lots of resources to help you learn Asana, but when you need even more information, the Community is your go-to. Other Community members can jump in to answer your specific questions and provide step-by-step instructions so you can be off on the path to success.

Get inspired: You might know how to use tasks and subtasks, but deciding when to use one over the other is something worth discussing.

4. Connect with our team

Hearing from customers is what gives us the inspiration to keep doing what we’re doing and make it better. You can use the Community to provide your feedback and share it with our team, whether it’s directly in a post or a Q&A thread. We also announce new features and updates on the Community so you can have a one-stop-shop for all your Asana news.

Get inspired: Community members got involved when our user research team sent out a call for beta testers and feedback about our emails to make them a better experience for every user.

5. Do professional networking

There are thousands of Community members (and growing) and we’re willing to bet that some of them are in your own community—whether that’s by geography, industry, role, or otherwise. Joining Community is an opportunity to connect with your peers about Asana and beyond.

Joining Community is an opportunity to connect with your peers about Asana and beyond.

Get inspired: A member posted their CSV to Asana exporter and helped unblock others, while also getting unblocked themselves. Not a bad way to strut your skills.

The Asana Community is a place where our knowledgeable customers can share their skills and get help from one another—because sometimes that’s the best way to learn. Check out the Community and join the discussion!



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