Education templates

Streamline behind-the-scenes logistics—so your team can spend less time organizing information, and more time teaching lessons, creating curriculum, and helping students thrive.

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Our team works across continents to provide education to women in Rwanda - from Kigali to Brooklyn to Hong Kong - but Asana makes it possible for each person to respond during their workday, and the question, idea, or assignment doesn’t get buried in an email inbox.”

Elizabeth Dearborn-Hughes

Co-Founder and CEO, Akilah Institute for Women

Connect your education team

Templates outline how teams should work together—so it’s easier to collaborate on projects, even if you’re in different classrooms.

Find information in one place

Don’t lose track of conversations, classroom materials, or action items. With Asana’s 260+ app integrations, you can centralize information from different tools in one place.

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Help teachers and students thrive

Streamline processes and get the most out of your resources—so you can provide quality education to the people who need it most.

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Education templates

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[Templates] Conference agenda
Conference agenda template

Plan your conference and track essential event details with a custom-built conference agenda template in Asana.

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