Ensure your resources are used for critical business needs with resource management templates. Coordinate bandwidth, boost efficiency, and meet your highest-impact objectives.

Marknadsföringsteamet är effektivare och vi har koll på arbetsbelastningen. Alla är med. Asana hjälper oss att visualisera vår kampanjplanering vilket gör att vi kan implementera färre men större program och vara strategiska när det gäller lanseringsdatum för att maximera deras inverkan på intäkterna.”

Andrea Leon Trozak

Chef för programhantering, Genesys

Visualize resources and build better strategies

Get at-a-glance insight into where you’re investing your resources in order to make better business decisions. Increase visibility to ensure resources are available for the work and timelines that matter most.

Read the case study

Manage resources even more efficiently

Asana connects with 200+ tools so you can manage, track, and report on resource allocation from one central location.

Manage your company’s most important resources

Keep your finger on the pulse of individual workloads, team collaboration, and partner coordination with customized templates.

Resource management templates

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