Updates to Asana’s Privacy Statement

15. November 2021
1 Lesezeit (Minuten)
[IA Blog] Updates to Asana’s Privacy Statement

At Asana, our mission is your mission. We’re committed to protecting your privacy rights, so you can focus on the work that matters most to your business—with peace of mind. Our commitment to building trust starts with transparency. We believe it is essential that you have clarity on how we gather and use your information. To further empower you to make the best decisions about the data you share with us, we refreshed our Privacy Statement into a simpler, quicker, and better reading experience.

What does Asana’s Privacy Statement cover?

As you use and interact with Asana’s websites, products, and services, we process information from and about you to grant appropriate access, enhance user experience, and provide support. The Privacy Statement describes how we collect, use, transmit, store, share, and erase your information, as well as the choices available to you with respect to your information.

What is changing?

Here is a quick overview of the updates that will take effect on December 15, 2021.

  • Less to read: The Privacy Statement has been reduced to nearly half of its original length, so you can learn how your information is used faster.

  • Easier to understand: We rewrote our statement using simple, everyday language and reduced the legal jargon and complex terms. Plus, there are more examples and descriptions that will make our statement easier to grasp.

  • More clarity on your data: We added outlines about how we use, share, and store your information.

  • New details on how your data is processed: We have new sections on how we process your data based on your relationship with us and in relation to new features.

Learn more about our Privacy Statement

Check out our complete Privacy Statement, as well as previous versions here.

We strive to ensure our Privacy Statement aligns with industry best practices and welcome any feedback you may have. Contact us at privacy@asana.com if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for improvements related to our Privacy Statement.

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