See and track work from every angle

Get real-time insight into the state of your team’s work and everything you need to take action—without leaving Asana.

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Get key insights without cobbling them together

See data in real time. Dashboards let you gauge progress across teams and projects—without the manual effort. And you can share them to keep everyone on the same page.


Spot trouble before it costs you

Visualize data to troubleshoot problems instantly. Zoom in on details. Then, click on any data point to drive to the underlying projects and tasks, and take action as needed.

Get visibility into work at all levels of your organization. See Universal Reporting in action.

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Pull in data from any project and team

Give your team the flexibility to create charts on any stream of work. Start with a template, or build custom charts. And get an accurate picture of what’s happening—all in one place.


Accurately measure how long work takes to get done

Compare time data to estimates for real-time progress updates so you can reallocate resources efficiently and effectively.

Real-time results

All your insights in one place

Get actionable insights to keep work on track. Start using Universal Reporting today.

Try for free
  • Report across teams and departments
  • No manual updating required
  • Fully customizable Dashboards
  • Fully customizable charts
  • Shareable Dashboards
  • Charts template library
  • Downloadable charts