Employee engagement templates

Employee engagement is more than company culture—it requires structured processes. Create templates in Asana that outline your employee engagement plans, so you have a clear path to hit engagement and retention goals.

Asana has a very fast learning curve. There’s no barrier to entry for people to start taking advantage of it.”

Kevin Weiss

VP of Client Success, Retail Media, Skai

Not just another tool

Asana templates help you coordinate work across teams. The simple layout and structure means you and your team can jump right in to building a culture of engaged, connected employees.

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Staying engaged means staying focused

With 260+ app integrations, Asana lets you work from one platform. Instead of switching between tools just to complete one task, you can stay engaged with your work—and the company.

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Coordinate employee engagement

Making employees feel valued and appreciated starts with your approach. Create a template and structure your workflow to build better connections with employees.


Employee engagement templates

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Piano di sviluppo professionale

Crea un modello di piano di sviluppo professionale che ti consenta non solo di definire gli obiettivi professionali ma anche di realizzare un piano di azione per raggiungerli.

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