United States: Geographic Pay Zones

Our compensation structure in the United States is designed around the cost of labor for major metropolitan areas. To accurately determine your pay zone based on your specific home location we recommend consulting with your recruiter. Please be aware that these zones may change over time.

At Asana, transparency is a core value, and we strive to offer you the latest information to enhance your experience with us. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated recruiting team. We're here to help!

Zone A

  • San Francisco Bay Area, CA 

  • New York City, NY

  • Long Island, NY 

  • Newark, NJ

  • Stamford, CT

Zone B

  • Connecticut (non-NYC Area)

  • New Jersey (non-NYC Area)

  • Albany, NY

  • Boston, MA

  • Chicago, IL

  • Denver, CO

  • Los Angeles, CA

  • Miami, FL

  • Portland, OR

  • Sacramento, CA

  • San Diego, CA

  • Seattle, WA

  • Washington, D.C.

Zone C

All other eligible states and metropolitan areas not mentioned in Zone A or B