Asana + AWS

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Безопасность Asana

Security and scalability for customer peace of mind

Asana uses AWS security and scalability to protect customer data, maintain high availability, and expand with our growing customers.

Feature_Icon_Premium support

Services to help support our platform

AWS services used by Asana include Elastic Compute Cloud, Kubernetes Service, Relational Database Service, and OpenSearch amongst others.

AWS Marketplace

Asana is also available in the AWS Marketplace to provide fast-moving teams with a platform to simplify processes like: procurement, provisioning, and governance.*

Универсальная отчётность в Asana

Get exactly what you need with payment flexibility

By purchasing Asana through AWS Marketplace, you can receive volume pricing and flexible payment options from AWS.

Цели в Asana

Save time with streamlined purchasing

With standardized licensing terms from AWS, organizations can reduce time on lengthy negotiations and streamline purchasing for their business.

Рабочие процессы в Asana

Operate smoothly with tailored customer support

AWS provides easy access to premium support, managed services, assessments, trainings, and other services to help onboard teams with Asana.

Loved by millions of users in the largest organizations around the world.

Amazon — сетка логотипов
Логотип P&G
Логотип Accenture
Логотип Japan Airlines
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Логотип Xero
Under Armour logo
Логотип Paypal

Business value of Asana**

IDC's research demonstrates the impact Asana has on employee productivity and customer satisfaction.

Читать доклад полностью
IDC 3x more on-time high-priorty work

On-time high-priority work completed on time

IDC 37% Gross productivity gain

Gross productivity gain

IDC 54% Increase in speed to execute business processes

Increase in speed to execute business processes

IDC 57% More projects delivered on time

More projects delivered on time


Сотни вариантов интеграции и их число растёт

Подключите Asana к используемым в вашей организации инструментам с помощью нашего открытого API или имеющихся интеграций, чтобы сотрудники могли работать в привычной среде.

Подробнее об интеграциях
Значок Microsoft
Значок Okta
Значок Microsoft Outlook
Значок Microsoft Teams
Значок Gmail
Значок Slack
Значок Salesforce
Adobe Creative Cloud
Значок Jira Cloud
Значок Power BI
Значок Tableau
Значок Zoom
asana and aws marketplace logo

Purchase Asana through AWS Marketplace today

If you can make a list or send an email, you can use Asana. Starting a team is really that simple.

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