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Learn how to work smarter

Asana Academy is here to guide you through all the basics and more—so you and your team can work better together.

Get started

Join live workshops tailored to your team's needs

Asana for goal management (live)
Set, track, and report on goals for your organization, team, or self.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop featured-courses-en
Asana for content calendar management (live)
Manage the end-to-end development of a content calendar, including drafting, scheduling, and getting approvals from stakeholders.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for campaign management (live)
Plan, develop and report on campaigns with both internal teams, and external agencies.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop featured-courses-en
Asana for department strategic planning (live)
Set departmental goals, then plan and staff initiatives to support those goals.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop featured-courses-en
Asana for organizational strategic planning (live)
Set up, resource, and report on portfolios of work crossing departments and teams.
60 min
Live training English (English) Advanced live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for creative production (live)
Capture requests for creative assets, then manage communications and approvals with stakeholders.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for resource planning (live)
Allocate and monitor organizational resources across portfolios and projects.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for employee onboarding (live)
Standardize onboarding and manage communication for new hires.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for product launches (live)
Plan, execute and report on product launches with cross-functional teams.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for work intake (live)
Streamline the capture and triaging of work intake to enhance visibility and collaboration.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases use-cases-home Use case workshop
Getting started
Get started in Asana by learning the basics of projects, task management, and team collaboration.
3 min
color-text-black videos-home localized-home-videos English with translated subtitles gettingstartedvideo
Navigating Asana
Take a quick tour of Asana. Learn how to find your way around, create tasks, and manage your work.
3 min
color-text-black videos-home localized-home-videos English with translated subtitles navigatingasanavideo
Personal productivity
Plan your day
Learn how to manage your daily tasks and team collaboration effectively in Asana.
2 min
Personal productivity color-background-green videos-home localized localized-home-videos planyourdayvideo
Team leader
Choose this path if you're designing your team's workflows or spearheading the rollout of Asana to your team.
3 Courses
role-home Learning path
Team member
Choose this path if you'll be managing your own work in Asana and contributing to team projects.
2 Courses
role-home Learning path
IT/Asana admin
Choose this path if you're the designated Admin for Asana at your organization.
3 Courses
role-home Learning path
Get started with Asana
Learn the basics of task management and how to keep your team updated on work. This course is perfect for anyone just getting started.
45 min
Self-paced course English (English) Beginner
Creating basic workflows
See how to build effective projects in Asana to get your team's workflows structured and organized.
3 Courses
Self-paced course English (English) localized-home-topics Learning path
6 steps to rolling out Asana to your team
Organizational change is hard. Learn best practices for how to roll out Asana to your company.
6 Courses
Change management Intermediate localized-home-topics Learning path
Asana hierarchy
Learn the basics of the Asana hierarchy and see how it connects your teams work; from high-level goals to day-to-day tasks.
2 min
color-text-black videos-home localized-home-videos English with translated subtitles navigatingasanavideo asanahierarchyvideo
Asana for goal management (live)
Set, track, and report on goals for your organization, team, or self.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop featured-courses-en
Asana for content calendar management (live)
Manage the end-to-end development of a content calendar, including drafting, scheduling, and getting approvals from stakeholders.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for campaign management (live)
Plan, develop and report on campaigns with both internal teams, and external agencies.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop featured-courses-en
Asana for department strategic planning (live)
Set departmental goals, then plan and staff initiatives to support those goals.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop featured-courses-en
Asana for organizational strategic planning (live)
Set up, resource, and report on portfolios of work crossing departments and teams.
60 min
Live training English (English) Advanced live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for creative production (live)
Capture requests for creative assets, then manage communications and approvals with stakeholders.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for resource planning (live)
Allocate and monitor organizational resources across portfolios and projects.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for employee onboarding (live)
Standardize onboarding and manage communication for new hires.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for product launches (live)
Plan, execute and report on product launches with cross-functional teams.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases Live-gated use-cases-home Use case workshop
Asana for work intake (live)
Streamline the capture and triaging of work intake to enhance visibility and collaboration.
60 min
Live training English (English) Intermediate live-events Use cases use-cases-home Use case workshop
Unlock efficiency with Asana AI (live)
Transform your chaotic workday into a streamlined powerhouse with Asana's AI features.
60 min
Live training English (English) live-events Beginner Workflows and automation Live-public featured-courses-home swimlane-ai-en
AI for Work Skill Badge
Unlock the power of AI at work. Boost personal productivity, automate manual processes, and generate actionable insights.
2 hours
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation Certification program featured-courses-home certification-badge swimlane-ai-en
Building smart workflows with AI Studio
Unlock the potential of AI-powered workflows to elevate automation to new heights of flexibility and power.
30 min
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced featured-courses-home swimlane-ai-en
AI Studio starter tutorial: Build a blog post request process
Follow this step-by-step tutorial to build an example smart workflow with AI-powered rules.
20 min
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced featured-courses-home swimlane-ai-en
Volunteer onboarding
Learn how to coordinate an engaging onboarding experience for your volunteers in Asana!
20 min
Self-paced course Nonprofit / Education Intermediate Use cases
Roll out Asana to your team (recording)
If you’re spearheading the implementation of Asana in your team or company, this pre-recorded live training is for you.
60 min
Pre-recorded training Change management English (English) Intermediate
Nonprofit and Education Asana Administrator or IT - Live Trainings
This learning path is for those who are the Asana Administrator for their organization and would like to complete their trainings with a live instructor.
4 Courses
Learning path
Nonprofit and Education Team Leader - Live Trainings
This learning path is for those who will be leading a team using Asana and would like to complete their trainings with a live instructor.
4 Courses
English (English) Learning path
Personal productivity in Asana (live)
Join our live session to see how to take your to-do list from overwhelm to under control.
60 min
Personal productivity Live training English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner Live-public
Nonprofit and Education Team Member - On-Demand Trainings
This learning path will give you the baseline knowledge required to get up and running in Asana and would like to complete their trainings on-demand.
4 Courses
English (English) Learning path
Asana で個人の生産性を高める (ライブ - 日本時間)
Asana を使って自分の生産性を最大化したいけどどうすればよいのかよく分からない、という方向けの初級トレーニングです。
60 分
日本語 (Japanese) Personal productivity Live training 日本 (Japan) live-events Beginner localized localized-home-learn Live-public
Persönliche Produktivität (live - Deutsch)
Persönliche Produktivität (Live) Nehmen Sie an unserem Live Training teil und erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre überlaufende To-Do-Liste unter Kontrolle bringen.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Personal productivity Live training Europe, Middle East & Africa Register live-events Beginner localized localized-home-learn Live-public
Monitor initiatives and resources with portfolios
Get a holistic view of all your important projects in one place with project portfolio management.
30 min
Self-paced course Insights and reporting English (English) Advanced
Asana 基礎スキルバッジ
世界最高レベルのワークマネジメントプラットフォーム Asana でプロジェクト作成やタスク管理などを行う方法をお教えします。
2 時間
Self-paced course 日本語 (Japanese) Project management Beginner localized localized-home-learn Certification program certification-badge
Live Q&A with Asana
Join our open Q&A to get help in building and optimizing your team's workflows.
60 min
Live training Pacific time English (English) North America Register live-training live-events Live-public Live Q&A featured-courses-en
Bien démarrer sur Asana (en direct)
Rejoignez cette formation en direct pour apprendre les bases de la gestion des tâches et comment tenir votre équipe informée.
60 min
Français (French) Live training Getting started with Asana Europe, Middle East & Africa Register live-events Beginner localized localized-home-learn Live-public
プロジェクトとタスクで仕事を収集 (見える化) する
15 min
Self-paced course 日本語 (Japanese) Personal productivity Project management Getting started with Asana 日本 (Japan) Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Asana で日々の作業を管理する
15 min
Self-paced course 日本語 (Japanese) 日本 (Japan) Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Priorizar e equilibrar o seu volume de trabalho
Aprenda a priorizar o seu trabalho e manter um volume de trabalho equilibrado com a Asana
Self-paced course Português (Portuguese) Project management Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Nonprofit case management
Learn how to leverage Asana to templatize your case management process!
30 min
Self-paced course Nonprofit / Education Intermediate Use cases
Asana のご紹介
Asana を使って、生産性に関する一般的な悩みを解決する方法をご覧ください。
10 min
Self-paced course 日本語 (Japanese) 日本 (Japan) Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Workflow Specialist Certificate
Learn how to plan, build, and deploy successful workflows—then discover best practices to help your team use them.
2 Courses
sequential-path Certification program certification-path Learning path
Asana Foundations Skill Badge
Master project management, improve team communication, and boost productivity on a collaborative work management platform.
2 hours
Self-paced course Project management English (English) Beginner Certification program certification-badge
Asana Foundations – Kompetenzabzeichen
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie auf der erstklassigen Work-Management-Plattform von Asana Projekte erstellen, Aufgaben verwalten und mehr.
2 Std.
Self-paced course Deutsch (German) Project management Beginner localized localized-home-learn Certification program certification-badge
Asana をチームに導入する(録画)
チームメンバーの巻き込み方がわからないという方に、Asana をチームに導入・展開する方法を習得していただくビデオトレーニングです。
50 min
日本語 (Japanese) Pre-recorded training Change management Intermediate localized localized-home-learn
Persönliche Produktivität (Aufzeichnung)
Nehmen Sie an unserem Live Training teil und erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre überlaufende To-Do-Liste unter Kontrolle bringen.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Personal productivity Pre-recorded training Beginner localized localized-home-learn
40 min
日本語 (Japanese) Pre-recorded training Getting started with Asana Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Building cross functional workflows (recording)
This recorded training shows you how to build more complex, cross-functional workflows and dive deeper into Asana's advanced functionality.
60 min
Pre-recorded training English (English) Advanced Workflows and automation
Asana 進階知識 (記錄)
此隨選網路研討會專為已經熟悉 Asana 基礎知識且希望瞭解如何使用 Premium 版功能的個人和團隊設計。
40 分鐘
Pre-recorded training Advanced 繁體中文 (Chinese) localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation
【初級】Asanaを使い始める (ライブ - 日本時間)
60 分
日本語 (Japanese) Project management Live training Getting started with Asana 日本 (Japan) live-training live-events Beginner localized localized-home-learn
【中級】Asana で用途に合わせたプロジェクトを構築する (ライブ -日本時間)
60 分
日本語 (Japanese) Live training 日本 (Japan) Intermediate live-events localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation Live-public Creating basic workflows
Asanaで仕事の進捗状況の可視化と報告 (ライブ-日本時間)
Asana 上で仕事の進捗情報を確認し報告する方法を学びましょう。
60 min
日本語 (Japanese) Live training Insights and reporting 日本 (Japan) Advanced live-training live-events localized localized-home-learn Live-public Gaining insights with reporting featured-courses-ja
Asana をチームに導入する (ライブ - 日本時間)
チームメンバーの巻き込み方がわからないという方に、Asana をチームに導入・展開する方法を習得していただく中級トレーニングです。
60 分
日本語 (Japanese) Live training Change management 日本 (Japan) Intermediate live-events localized localized-home-learn Live-public Roll out Asana to your team
Creating basic workflows in Asana (live)
See how to build basic workflows to get your team's work structured and organized.
60 min
Live training English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America Intermediate live-events Live-public
Building cross functional workflows (live)
Build more complex, cross-functional workflows and dive deeper into Asana's advanced functionality.
60 min
Live training English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America Advanced live-events Workflows and automation Live-public
Monitor your fundraising goals
Learn how to use Asana to monitor all of your development efforts towards your fundraising goals!
20 min
Self-paced course Nonprofit / Education Goal management Intermediate Use cases
Getting started with Asana (recording)
This recorded training covers the basics of task management including how to create projects and tasks in Asana.
60 min
Project management Pre-recorded training English (English) Beginner
Experience Asana AI: AI that works (recording)
Learn how to get started, supercharge your workflows, and discover AI best practices.
60 min
Product updates Pre-recorded training English (English) Advanced
Nonprofit and Education Asana Administrator or IT - On Demand Trainings
This learning path is for those who are the Asana Administrator for their organization and would like to complete their trainings on-demand.
6 Courses
Learning path
Jetzt mit Asana beginnen (live - Deutsch)
Dieses interaktive Training ist perfekt für Teams und individuelle Asana Nutzer welche ganz neu bei Asana sind, oder gern ein paar Tipps und Tricks dazulernen möchten!
60 min
Deutsch (German) Live training Getting started with Asana Europe, Middle East & Africa Register live-events Beginner localized localized-home-learn Live-public
Effektive Workflows in Asana erstellen (live - Deutsch)
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie grundlegende Workflows erstellen, um die Arbeit Ihres Teams zu strukturieren und zu organisieren. Dieses Webinar wird in deutscher Sprache durchgeführt und ist für EMEA-Zeitzonen geeignet.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Project management Live training Europe, Middle East & Africa Intermediate live-events localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation Live-public Creating basic workflows
Getting started with Asana (live)
Join this live training to learn the basics of task management and how to keep your team updated.
60 min
Live training Getting started with Asana English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner
Cómo empezar con Asana (En Vivo)
Únete a esta sesión para aprender los conceptos básicos de la gestión de tareas y cómo mantener tu equipo actualizado con Asana. Este taller virtual se imparte en español y es apto para las zonas horarias de EMEA y Norteamérica.
60 min
Español (Spanish) Live training Europe, Middle East & Africa North America Register live-events Beginner localized localized-home-learn Live-public
Asana ワークショップ : 製品リリースの計画 (ライブ)
参加型ワークショップに参加して、Asana で製品リリースを計画・管理するためのベストプラクティスを学びましょう。
60 分
日本語 (Japanese) Live training 日本 (Japan) live-events Use cases localized localized-home-learn Live-gated Asana for product launches featured-courses-ja
Conceptos Avanzados de Asana (Grabación)
Este seminario web bajo demanda está diseñado para personas y equipos que están familiarizados con los conceptos básicos de Asana y desean aprender a usar funciones Premium en sus proyectos.
55 min
Español (Spanish) Project management Pre-recorded training Advanced localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation
Roll out Asana to your team (live)
If you’re spearheading the implementation of Asana in your team or company, this training is for you.
60 min
Live training Change management English (English) North America Intermediate live-events Live-public
Resource management in Asana (live)
Time is a valuable resource. Join us for best practices to ensure your team’s workload is distributed in a way that allows everyone to work smarter, not harder.
60 min
Live training Insights and reporting English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America Advanced live-events Live-public
【上級】Asana で他部門と連携する (ライブ - 日本時間)
この講座は、Asana のより高度な機能を使って他部門連携のプロジェクトの作成方法を学ぶための上級トレーニングです。
60 分
日本語 (Japanese) Live training 日本 (Japan) Advanced live-events localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation Live-public Building cross-functional workflows featured-courses-ja
Asana für Kampagnenmanagement (live)
Planen, entwickeln und berichten Sie über Kampagnen, welche Sie sowohl mit internen Teams als auch mit externen Agenturen durchführen.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Live training Europe, Middle East & Africa live-events Use cases localized localized-home-learn Live-gated Asana for campaign management featured-courses-de
Creating basic workflows (recording)
Build basic workflows to get your team's work structured and organized.
60 min
Pre-recorded training English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Become an Asana Ambassador
Empower your team. Inspire others. Lead with Asana.
2 Courses
English (English) sequential-path Learning path
Créer des processus de base dans Asana (Séminaire en ligne)
Découvrez comment créer des flux de travail de base pour structurer et organiser le travail de votre équipe.
60 min
Français (French) Live training Intermediate live-events Workflows and automation
Élaborer des processus Interfonctionnels sur Asana (enregistrement)
Personnalisez vos processus et gagnez en productivité grâce aux fonctionnalités avancées d’Asana.
Français (French) Pre-recorded training Advanced localized localized-home-learn Building cross-functional workflows featured-courses-fr
Gaining insights with reporting (live)
Track the work and report on it—all within Asana.
60 min
Live training Insights and reporting English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America Advanced live-events Live-public
Asana for admins
Manage your organization's Asana account with more control using Asana's admin console.
30 min
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Use cases
Gaining insights with reporting (recording)
This recorded training shows you how to track the progress of work and report on it—all within Asana.
52 min
Pre-recorded training Insights and reporting English (English) Advanced
Asana 基礎知識 (記錄)
此隨選網路研討會將介紹任務管理的基礎知識,其中包括如何在 Asana 中建立專案和任務,以及如何讓團隊掌握最新資訊。
45 分鐘
Pre-recorded training Getting started with Asana Asia-Pacific 繁體中文 (Chinese) Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Dominar os fundamentos básicos do gerenciamento de projetos
Criar um plano de projeto bem sucedido e funcional com a Asana.
Self-paced course Português (Portuguese) Project management Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Asana オリエンテーション(録画)
Asana の使いはじめ方とネクストステップがわかるオリエンテーションの録画です。
30 min
日本語 (Japanese) Pre-recorded training 日本 (Japan) Beginner localized localized-home-learn Onboarding workshops no-search Asana orientation
Obter os benefícios da Asana
Solucione problemas comuns na maneira como a sua organização planeja, gerencia e coordena os trabalhos.
Self-paced course Português (Portuguese) Project management Beginner localized localized-home-learn
20-day productivity challenge
Focus on one tip each day to move towards a more productive way of working.
20 days
Self-paced course Personal productivity English (English) Intermediate
Cara Memulai Asana (rekaman)
Cara Memulai Asana (rekaman) Rekaman pelatihan ini mencakup dasar-dasar mengelola tugas, seperti cara membuat proyek dan tugas di Asana.
60 menit
Pre-recorded training Asia-Pacific Beginner Bahasa Indonesia
Execute your fundraising goals
Learn how to execute fundraising more efficiently with Asana so that you have more time to make an impact in the world!
30 min
Self-paced course Nonprofit / Education Intermediate Use cases
Personal productivity in Asana (recording)
Take your to-do list from overwhelm to under control.
60 min
Personal productivity Pre-recorded training English (English) Beginner
Cómo empezar con Asana (Grabación)
Este seminario web bajo demanda cubre los conceptos básicos de la administración de tareas, incluyendo cómo crear proyectos y tareas en Asana y cómo mantener actualizado a tu equipo.
45 min
Español (Spanish) Project management Pre-recorded training Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Productivité personnelle dans Asana (enregistrement)
Découvrez comment créer des projets efficaces sur Asana pour structurer et organiser le travail de votre équipe.
50 min
Français (French) Personal productivity Pre-recorded training Beginner localized localized-home-learn featured-courses-fr
Jetzt mit Asana beginnen (Aufzeichnung)
Dieses Online-Webinar behandelt die Grundlagen des Aufgabenmanagements, einschließlich der Erstellung von Projekten und Aufgaben in Asana und wie man sein Team auf dem neuesten Stand hält.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Project management Pre-recorded training Getting started with Asana Beginner localized localized-home-learn
【中級】Asanaで用途に合わせたプロジェクトを構築する (録画)
Asana でプロジェクトを作成することに慣れてきたけれど、Asana の機能を活用してもっと効率的なプロジェクトの設計や運用をしたい、という方向けの動画トレーニングです。
45 分
日本語 (Japanese) Pre-recorded training Intermediate localized localized-home-learn
Implementa Asana en tu equipo (Grabación)
Si eres quien impulsa la implementación de Asana en tu equipo o empresa, este webinar a la carta es para ti.
75 min
Español (Spanish) Pre-recorded training Change management Europe, Middle East & Africa Intermediate localized localized-home-learn
Déployer Asana au sein d'une équipe (enregistrement)
Si vous êtes à la tête de la mise en œuvre d'Asana dans votre équipe ou votre entreprise, cet atelier est pour vous.
35 Min
Français (French) Pre-recorded training Live training Change management Intermediate localized localized-home-learn
Effektive workflows in Asana erstellen (Aufzeichnung)
Lernen Sie, in Asana effektive Projekte zu erstellen, um die Arbeit Ihres Teams zu strukturieren und zu organisieren.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Project management Pre-recorded training Intermediate localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation Creating basic workflows
10-day digital declutter
Out with the old, in with the new! Clean up your digital clutter with these 10 tips.
10 days
Self-paced course Personal productivity English (English) Intermediate
From Strategy to Success: Setting up goals in Asana (recording)
Connect your company objectives and the work that supports them.
60 min
Pre-recorded training Goal management English (English) Advanced
Asana で他部門と連携する(録画)
この講座は、Asana のより高度な機能を使って他部門連携のプロジェクトの作成方法を学ぶための上級トレーニング(録画)です。
64 min
日本語 (Japanese) Pre-recorded training 日本 (Japan) Advanced localized localized-home-learn Building cross-functional workflows
Bien démarrer avec Asana (enregistrement)
Vous venez de commencer à utiliser Asana et vous voulez vous assurer que vous le faites "bien"? Cet atelier enregistré vous aidera à jeter les bases d'une utilisation réussie d'Asana, en tant qu'individu, membre de votre équipe et au sein de votre organisation.
60 min
Français (French) Project management Pre-recorded training Getting started with Asana Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Streamline feedback cycles with Proofing and Approvals
Check out how to get clear, actionable feedback in one spot and keep work moving forward.
10 min
Self-paced course Project management English (English) Advanced customize-your-workflows-with-asana power-up-projects Power up your projects Workflows and automation
Asanaで個人の生産性を高める (録画)
Asana を使って自分の生産性を最大化したいけどどうすればよいのかよく分からない、という方向けの初級動画トレーニングです
45 min
日本語 (Japanese) Personal productivity Pre-recorded training Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Organize projects with milestones and custom fields
Track major project points and capture additional data to organize your work.
15 min
Self-paced course Project management English (English) Intermediate customize-your-workflows-with-asana power-up-projects Power up your projects
Automate routine work with Forms and Rules
See how to save time and steps on repetitive work so you can focus on the work you do best.
15 min
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate customize-your-workflows-with-asana save-time-and-steps-with-automation Workflows and automation
Créer des processus de base dans Asana (enregistrement)
Découvrez comment créer des projets efficaces sur Asana pour structurer et organiser le travail de votre équipe.
50 min
Français (French) Project management Pre-recorded training Intermediate localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation
Asana で仕事の進捗状況の可視化と報告(録画)
Asana 上で仕事の進捗情報を確認し報告する方法を学ぶための録画トレーニングです。
55 min
日本語 (Japanese) Pre-recorded training Insights and reporting 日本 (Japan) Advanced localized localized-home-learn Gaining insights with reporting
Funktionsübergreifende Workflows in Asana erstellen (Aufzeichnung)
Erstellen Sie komplexere, funktionsübergreifende Workflows und tauchen Sie tiefer in die erweiterten Funktionen von Asana ein.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Pre-recorded training Advanced Register localized localized-home-learn Building cross-functional workflows
Resource Management (recording)
Watch this pre-recorded session on best practices to ensure your team’s workload is distributed in a way that allows everyone to work smarter, not harder.
50 min
Pre-recorded training Insights and reporting English (English) Advanced
Einführung von Asana in Ihrem Team (Aufzeichnung)
Wenn Sie den Einsatz von Asana in Ihrem Team oder Unternehmen in die Wege leiten möchten, dann ist dieses On-Demand-Webinar genau das Richtige für Sie.
50 min
Deutsch (German) Pre-recorded training Change management Intermediate localized localized-home-learn Roll out Asana to your team
充分發揮Asana的所有潛力 (錄影)
本次錄製的網路研討會將引導您了解 Asana 的更多進階功能,幫助您建立更複雜和跨職能的工作流程。
60 分鐘
Pre-recorded training Advanced 繁體中文 (Chinese) localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation
Estructura el trabajo de tu equipo en Asana (Grabación)
Aprende a elaborar proyectos efectivos en Asana para estructurar y organizar el trabajo de tu equipo.
80 min
Español (Spanish) Project management Pre-recorded training Europe, Middle East & Africa Intermediate localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation
Productivité personnelle dans Asana (Séminaire en ligne)
Rejoignez notre session en direct pour découvrir comment faire passer votre liste de tâches d'une situation de surcharge à une situation de contrôle.
60 min
Français (French) Personal productivity live-events Beginner localized localized-home-learn
Bessere Berichterstattung mit Asana (live)
Verfolgen Sie die Arbeit und erstellen Sie Berichte - alles in Asana.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Live training Insights and reporting Europe, Middle East & Africa Advanced Register live-events Live-public Gaining insights with reporting
Asana ワークショップ : 部門戦略の計画 (ライブ)
60 min
日本語 (Japanese) Live training 日本 (Japan) live-events Use cases localized localized-home-learn Live-gated Asana for department strategic planning featured-courses-ja
Asana für strategische Marketingplanung (live)
Legen Sie Ziele für Ihre Abteilung fest, um anschließend Initiativen zum Erreichen dieser Ziele planen und mit Mitarbeiter/innen besetzen zu können
60 min
Deutsch (German) Live training Europe, Middle East & Africa live-events Use cases localized localized-home-learn Live-gated Asana for department strategic planning featured-courses-de
Einführung von Asana in Ihrem Team (live - Deutsch)
Wenn Sie für die Einführung von Asana in Ihrem Team oder Unternehmen verantwortlich sind, ist dieses Training genau das Richtige für Sie.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Live training Europe, Middle East & Africa Intermediate live-events localized localized-home-learn Live-public Roll out Asana to your team
Live Q&A
Open forum to bring your questions and get support from an Asana expert.
Not currently available
no-search separator
Use case workshops
Hands on workshops to learn best practices about your use case. Bring your current workflows to ask questions and get unblocked.
Not currently available
no-search separator
Bessere Berichterstattung mit Asana (Aufzeichnung)
Diese aufgezeichnete Schulung zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie den Arbeitsfortschritt verfolgen und darüber berichten können – alles innerhalb von Asana.
40 min
Deutsch (German) Pre-recorded training Insights and reporting Advanced localized localized-home-learn Gaining insights with reporting featured-courses-de
Funktionsübergreifende Workflows in Asana erstellen (live - Deutsch)
Erstellen Sie komplexere, funktionsübergreifende Workflows und tauchen Sie tiefer in die erweiterten Funktionen von Asana ein.
60 min
Deutsch (German) Live training Advanced live-events localized localized-home-learn Workflows and automation Live-public Building cross-functional workflows featured-courses-de
Nonprofit and Education Team Member - Live Trainings
This learning path will give you the baseline knowledge required to get up and running in Asana and would like to complete their trainings with a live instructor.
4 Courses
English (English) Learning path
Nonprofit and Education Team Leader - On-Demand Trainings
This learning path is for those who will be leading a team using Asana and would like to complete their trainings on-demand.
6 Courses
English (English) Learning path
Unlock Efficiency with Asana AI (recording)
Transform your chaotic workday into a streamlined powerhouse with Asana's AI features.
60 min
Product updates Pre-recorded training English (English) Advanced
Asana の管理者
Asana の管理者コンソールを使用して、組織の Asana アカウントを適切に管理する方法を学びます。
45 min
Self-paced course 日本語 (Japanese) 日本 (Japan) Advanced IT / Admin localized localized-home-learn
See work fit together in Timeline view
Map out your project plan over time and make any adjustments needed as work progresses.
10 min
Self-paced course Project management English (English) Intermediate
Building ongoing process workflows
Learn how to build a project to handle repeating work, like intake and request processes.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Building deadline-bound workflows
Execute on a project plan so you don't miss a deadline.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate
Building reference projects
Capture and organize information using reference projects in Asana.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Nonprofit and Education onboarding kick-off (recording)
This kick-off call provides an overview of the Nonprofit and Education Onboarding Program.
30 min
Pre-recorded training
Change management series: Set up for future success
Keep your Asana implementation sustainable. Set expectations, create conventions, and develop an onboarding plan for ongoing support.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Enable your team
See how to enable your team in Asana by migrating workflows and creating a communication and training plan.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Design your first workflow
Identify and migrate initial workflows into Asana to prepare teams for using the platform effectively.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Define your why
Create a compelling narrative for why Asana matters and build a team of champions to drive change.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Measure and expand
Track your implementation progress, share impactful data, and celebrate wins to demonstrate Asana's value to stakeholders.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Discover your now
Integrate Asana into your team's existing tools and establish your team structure in Asana as part of a 6-course change management process.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Asana Ambassador Orientation
Deepen your Asana expertise, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and empower your teams on Asana through the Asana Ambassador program.
40 min
Self-paced course English (English) Beginner
Exam: Workflow Specialist Certificate
Put your skills to the test by completing a capstone project and final exam to showcase your workflow expertise.
3 hr
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Workflows and automation no-search Certification program certification-badge
Lessons: Workflow Specialist Certificate
Design impactful workflows and drive adoption with research-backed change management strategies for your team.
5 hr
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Workflows and automation Certification program certification-badge
Building ongoing process workflows
Learn how to build a project to handle repeating work, like intake and request processes.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Building deadline-bound workflows
Execute on a project plan so you don't miss a deadline.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate
Building reference projects
Capture and organize information using reference projects in Asana.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Building deadline-bound workflows
Execute on a project plan so you don't miss a deadline.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate
Building ongoing process workflows
Learn how to build a project to handle repeating work, like intake and request processes.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Building reference projects
Capture and organize information using reference projects in Asana.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Getting started with Asana (recording)
This recorded training covers the basics of task management including how to create projects and tasks in Asana.
60 min
Project management Pre-recorded training English (English) Beginner
Asana for admins
Manage your organization's Asana account with more control using Asana's admin console.
30 min
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Use cases
Nonprofit and Education onboarding kick-off (recording)
This kick-off call provides an overview of the Nonprofit and Education Onboarding Program.
30 min
Pre-recorded training
Personal productivity in Asana (live)
Join our live session to see how to take your to-do list from overwhelm to under control.
60 min
Personal productivity Live training English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner Live-public
Getting started with Asana (live)
Join this live training to learn the basics of task management and how to keep your team updated.
60 min
Live training Getting started with Asana English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner
Change management series: Set up for future success
Keep your Asana implementation sustainable. Set expectations, create conventions, and develop an onboarding plan for ongoing support.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Enable your team
See how to enable your team in Asana by migrating workflows and creating a communication and training plan.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Design your first workflow
Identify and migrate initial workflows into Asana to prepare teams for using the platform effectively.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Define your why
Create a compelling narrative for why Asana matters and build a team of champions to drive change.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Measure and expand
Track your implementation progress, share impactful data, and celebrate wins to demonstrate Asana's value to stakeholders.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Discover your now
Integrate Asana into your team's existing tools and establish your team structure in Asana as part of a 6-course change management process.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Roll out Asana to your team (live)
If you’re spearheading the implementation of Asana in your team or company, this training is for you.
60 min
Live training Change management English (English) North America Intermediate live-events Live-public
Creating basic workflows in Asana (live)
See how to build basic workflows to get your team's work structured and organized.
60 min
Live training English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America Intermediate live-events Live-public
Getting started with Asana (live)
Join this live training to learn the basics of task management and how to keep your team updated.
60 min
Live training Getting started with Asana English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner
Nonprofit and Education onboarding kick-off (recording)
This kick-off call provides an overview of the Nonprofit and Education Onboarding Program.
30 min
Pre-recorded training
Building deadline-bound workflows
Execute on a project plan so you don't miss a deadline.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate
Building ongoing process workflows
Learn how to build a project to handle repeating work, like intake and request processes.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Building reference projects
Capture and organize information using reference projects in Asana.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Nonprofit and Education onboarding kick-off (recording)
This kick-off call provides an overview of the Nonprofit and Education Onboarding Program.
30 min
Pre-recorded training
Getting started with Asana (recording)
This recorded training covers the basics of task management including how to create projects and tasks in Asana.
60 min
Project management Pre-recorded training English (English) Beginner
Roll out Asana to your team (recording)
If you’re spearheading the implementation of Asana in your team or company, this pre-recorded live training is for you.
60 min
Pre-recorded training Change management English (English) Intermediate
Personal productivity in Asana (recording)
Take your to-do list from overwhelm to under control.
60 min
Personal productivity Pre-recorded training English (English) Beginner
Getting started with Asana (recording)
This recorded training covers the basics of task management including how to create projects and tasks in Asana.
60 min
Project management Pre-recorded training English (English) Beginner
Nonprofit and Education onboarding kick-off (recording)
This kick-off call provides an overview of the Nonprofit and Education Onboarding Program.
30 min
Pre-recorded training
Creating basic workflows (recording)
Build basic workflows to get your team's work structured and organized.
60 min
Pre-recorded training English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Roll out Asana to your team (live)
If you’re spearheading the implementation of Asana in your team or company, this training is for you.
60 min
Live training Change management English (English) North America Intermediate live-events Live-public
Creating basic workflows in Asana (live)
See how to build basic workflows to get your team's work structured and organized.
60 min
Live training English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America Intermediate live-events Live-public
Getting started with Asana (live)
Join this live training to learn the basics of task management and how to keep your team updated.
60 min
Live training Getting started with Asana English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner
Nonprofit and Education onboarding kick-off (recording)
This kick-off call provides an overview of the Nonprofit and Education Onboarding Program.
30 min
Pre-recorded training
Creating basic workflows in Asana (live)
See how to build basic workflows to get your team's work structured and organized.
60 min
Live training English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America Intermediate live-events Live-public
Personal productivity in Asana (live)
Join our live session to see how to take your to-do list from overwhelm to under control.
60 min
Personal productivity Live training English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner Live-public
Getting started with Asana (live)
Join this live training to learn the basics of task management and how to keep your team updated.
60 min
Live training Getting started with Asana English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner
Asana Ambassador Orientation
Deepen your Asana expertise, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and empower your teams on Asana through the Asana Ambassador program.
40 min
Self-paced course English (English) Beginner
Asana Foundations Skill Badge
Master project management, improve team communication, and boost productivity on a collaborative work management platform.
2 hours
Self-paced course Project management English (English) Beginner Certification program certification-badge
Roll out Asana to your team (live)
If you’re spearheading the implementation of Asana in your team or company, this training is for you.
60 min
Live training Change management English (English) North America Intermediate live-events Live-public
Getting started with Asana (live)
Join this live training to learn the basics of task management and how to keep your team updated.
60 min
Live training Getting started with Asana English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner
Asana for admins
Manage your organization's Asana account with more control using Asana's admin console.
30 min
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Use cases
Exam: Workflow Specialist Certificate
Put your skills to the test by completing a capstone project and final exam to showcase your workflow expertise.
3 hr
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Workflows and automation no-search Certification program certification-badge
Lessons: Workflow Specialist Certificate
Design impactful workflows and drive adoption with research-backed change management strategies for your team.
5 hr
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Workflows and automation Certification program certification-badge
Getting started with Asana (live)
Join this live training to learn the basics of task management and how to keep your team updated.
60 min
Live training Getting started with Asana English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America live-events Beginner
Creating basic workflows in Asana (live)
See how to build basic workflows to get your team's work structured and organized.
60 min
Live training English (English) Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia-Pacific North America Intermediate live-events Live-public
Nonprofit and Education onboarding kick-off (recording)
This kick-off call provides an overview of the Nonprofit and Education Onboarding Program.
30 min
Pre-recorded training
Asana for admins
Manage your organization's Asana account with more control using Asana's admin console.
30 min
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Use cases
Building ongoing process workflows
Learn how to build a project to handle repeating work, like intake and request processes.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Building deadline-bound workflows
Execute on a project plan so you don't miss a deadline.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate
Building reference projects
Capture and organize information using reference projects in Asana.
15 min course
Self-paced course English (English) Intermediate Workflows and automation
Nonprofit and Education onboarding kick-off (recording)
This kick-off call provides an overview of the Nonprofit and Education Onboarding Program.
30 min
Pre-recorded training
Change management series: Set up for future success
Keep your Asana implementation sustainable. Set expectations, create conventions, and develop an onboarding plan for ongoing support.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Enable your team
See how to enable your team in Asana by migrating workflows and creating a communication and training plan.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Design your first workflow
Identify and migrate initial workflows into Asana to prepare teams for using the platform effectively.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Define your why
Create a compelling narrative for why Asana matters and build a team of champions to drive change.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Measure and expand
Track your implementation progress, share impactful data, and celebrate wins to demonstrate Asana's value to stakeholders.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Change management series: Discover your now
Integrate Asana into your team's existing tools and establish your team structure in Asana as part of a 6-course change management process.
10 min
Self-paced course Change management English (English) Intermediate
Asana Ambassador Orientation
Deepen your Asana expertise, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and empower your teams on Asana through the Asana Ambassador program.
40 min
Self-paced course English (English) Beginner
Exam: Workflow Specialist Certificate
Put your skills to the test by completing a capstone project and final exam to showcase your workflow expertise.
3 hr
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Workflows and automation no-search Certification program certification-badge
Lessons: Workflow Specialist Certificate
Design impactful workflows and drive adoption with research-backed change management strategies for your team.
5 hr
Self-paced course English (English) Advanced Workflows and automation Certification program certification-badge

Become an Asana Ambassador

Leading the Asana charge on your team, or just want to deepen your Asana Expertise? Grow and connect with others like you by joining our community as an Asana Ambassador.