Eventi di Asana

Scopri come ottenere il massimo da Asana attraverso eventi dal vivo e webinar on-demand.

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Registrazioni on-demand del Work Innovation Summit Global

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Tutti gli eventi

Live training with Asana
Incontro della community
Organizing work that matters: Free, drop-in AMA for Nonprofits with Asana Expert Larry Berger
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Live webinar with Asana
Organizing work that matters: Free, drop-in AMA for Nonprofits with Asana Expert Larry Berger
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Live trainings in Japan
【中級】Asana で用途に合わせたプロジェクトを構築する(大阪開催)
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Live trainings in Japan
【初級】Asana を使い始める(大阪開催)
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Live trainings in Japan
【上級2】Asana で仕事の進捗状況の可視化と報告(大阪開催)
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Live trainings in Japan
【上級1】Asana で他部門と連携する(大阪開催)
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