Asana Modern Slavery Statement

For the fiscal year ending January 31, 2022


This is the modern slavery statement (“Statement”) for Asana, Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively, “Asana”). This Statement is made in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 (the “Act”), which requires that businesses disclose information concerning their efforts to address the risks of modern slavery within their organization and in their supply chains. This Statement constitutes Asana’s forced labor and human trafficking statement for Asana’s fiscal year ending January 31, 2022.

Our Business and Supply Chain

Asana’s mission is to help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.

Asana is a work management platform that helps teams orchestrate work, from daily tasks to cross-functional strategic initiatives. Over 126,000 paying customers use Asana to manage everything from product launches to marketing campaigns to organization-wide goal setting. Our platform adds structure to unstructured work, creating clarity, transparency, and accountability to everyone within an organization—individuals, team leads, and executives—so they understand exactly who is doing what, by when.

Asana is a U.S. publicly-traded company incorporated in Delaware, headquartered in San Francisco, California, and listed on both the New York Stock Exchange and the Long-Term Stock Exchange. Asana provides this joint statement for itself and on behalf of certain foreign subsidiaries, including Asana Software Australia Pty Ltd., Asana Software Canada Ltd., Asana France SAS, Asana Germany GmBH, Asana Software Iceland ehf, Asana Software Ireland Ltd., Asana Ireland Technology Ltd., Asana Japan KK, Asana Switzerland GmbH, Asana Software UK Ltd., and Asana Software Singapore Pte Ltd. Asana and its consolidated subsidiaries share the same core business operations and supply chains as well as modern slavery policies, processes, and risks further described in this statement.

Based on our business model, Asana believes that the risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chain is limited. Asana does not manufacture a tangible product—rather, we sell software licenses to our platform globally through both direct sales and via our partners.

Assessing and Managing Risk

While Asana is not at high risk for modern slavery in our business, we recognize that there is some risk present in every operation. To assess and manage that risk Asana’s Accounts Payable team screens all new vendors through Moody’s Analytics, which performs due diligence on risk factors like human trafficking, forced labor, and human slavery, among other offenses. Asana also incorporates protections into our vendor contracts by obligating vendors to comply with all local laws and regulations. Further, Asana is currently planning to develop a strategy to monitor and manage modern slavery risks in our limited supply chain.

Code of Conduct and Ethics

Asana is committed to recognizing and supporting human rights. Asana strives to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing our business. Our commitment to act with integrity in our business practices is memorialized in our Code of Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”), which provides guidance to our employees, contractors, officers, and board members (collectively, the “Asana community”) on the policies, laws, rules, and regulations they are expected to follow.

Under the Code, Asana Community members who become aware of a potential violation of the Code have a responsibility to report it. Asana offers several reporting channels for Asanas and business partners who may have ethics concerns, and promotes them through internal policies, communications, and training. Those reporting channels include a 24-hour telephone hotline and web portal that allow users to report anonymously and often in the local language of our Asana offices. Any allegations of modern slavery will be thoroughly investigated by the Head of Compliance in collaboration with Asana’s Internal Audit team as needed, and under the direction and oversight of Asana’s General Counsel. Retaliation against any individual that reports a modern slavery concern in good faith is strictly prohibited.

Although Asana’s supply chain is small, we have prioritized the creation of a Supplier Code of Conduct that will hold our suppliers to the same standard of accountability required of our employees.


It is important to educate Asanas about the potential for modern slavery in our supply chain. Asana intends to train relevant employees on the risk and the steps to be taken in the event an issue arises.


This Statement memorializes Asana’s first published commitment to combating modern slavery in accordance with the law and with Asana’s values. Asana’s modern slavery program has not yet generated data sufficient for an effectiveness assessment, but it will in the future.

Approval and Signature

In accordance with the Act, this Statement is made by Asana, Inc. by and on behalf of itself and its consolidated subsidiaries.

This Statement was approved by the Asana, Inc. Board of Directors on August 24, 2022, and signed by:

Eleanor Lacey

General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

August 24, 2022

Link to Signed Statement