Regulatory and compliance tracking

Manage regulatory requirements efficiently

Track compliance controls and adapt easily to new ones—all in one place.

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Regulatory & Compliance Tracking: Hero image

Manage compliance controls on a single platform

  • Alert control owners automatically when reviews, updates, or corrective actions are needed

  • Track the status of every control with reporting dashboards

  • Centralize controls in a single project, and map them to different frameworks with custom or AI-generated labels

Regulatory & Compliance Tracking image: Abstracted product UI

Ensure data and documents are audit-ready

  • Organize documentation for each control in one place with Sharepoint, Box, and Google Drive integrations

  • Get up to speed on audit status with AI-generated digests

  • Reduce delays by automatically reminding teams to complete tasks by set deadlines

Regulatory & Compliance Tracking Image: abstracted product UI

Implement new compliance controls instantly

  • Import CSV files with compliance requirements and quickly convert them into actionable tasks

  • Protect sensitive information with permissions and access controls

  • Keep teams up-to-date with AI-generated status updates

Regulatory & Compliance Tracking Image: Abstracted product UI

Monitor your controls in one place

With hundreds of app integrations, you can consolidate data and documents across your organization on a single platform.

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Get started faster with templates

Manage compliance tracking with Asana’s ready-to-use templates.

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의료 및 생명 과학

There are three main benefits of using Asana for our team. We became more efficient, we are able to contain our communications in a shared space, and we are able to cross-functionally collaborate better than ever before.

Catherine Galutera

Marketing Operations Team Lead, GoodRx

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Frequently asked questions

Keep control of your controls

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