Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics

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Our mission

To help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.

When we work together, we can do great things—things that contribute to a better life for people and the planet. Too often, it’s difficult to coordinate teams and people lack clarity about what needs to be done when. These challenges impede important progress. If Asana succeeds at its mission, the world’s teams — from small partnerships to global organizations—will be more efficient and effective.

Asana core values

Asana core values

Asana is committed to conducting business in an ethical, environmentally responsible, and honest manner. We recognize that our suppliers are key partners in helping us achieve our Mission, and we expect all suppliers to share our commitment to social responsibility and ethical conduct. As such, we require that all suppliers agree to the following Code of Conduct:

All suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to anti-corruption, anti-bribery, anti-money laundering, labor and employment, environmental, health and safety laws, and other applicable laws and regulations.

Inside Information and Insider Trading

Asana, Inc is a public company registered with the New York Stock Exchange and Long Term Stock Exchange. While doing business with Asana, suppliers may gain access to material, nonpublic, confidential (or “inside”) information about our company, or companies with which we do business. Suppliers must not use or share that information for stock trading purposes or “tip” or influence someone’s investment decision about that company.

Business Relationships and Integrity

At Asana, we hold ourselves to high ethical standards, and we expect our suppliers to do the same. Suppliers must conduct their business in an ethical manner and avoid any behavior that may be harmful or detrimental to the company or its employees. This includes but is not limited to avoiding conflicts of interest, avoiding discrimination, and maintaining high standards of integrity and honesty.

Suppliers have a responsibility to comply with antitrust laws wherever they operate and to avoid even the appearance of unreasonably restricting competition.

Suppliers should report to Asana any situation that may appear as a conflict of interest, and disclose to Asana if any Asana employee or professional under contract with Asana may have an interest of any kind in supplier’s business or any kind of economic ties with the supplier.

Suppliers should have in place a thoughtful policy on gifts and entertainment practices. The exchange of gifts is a routine business practice and a way to express gratitude and build goodwill among companies - by way of example, inexpensive gifts (gifts of less than $100 in non-cash value) or meals with clients are generally considered reasonable as long as they are not excessive, improper or extravagant. However, bribes or inappropriate luxury gifts to Asana employees are prohibited, regardless of local custom. Furthermore, anti-bribery/anti-corruption laws prohibit the offer of entertainment or gifts to government officials. Suppliers must not promise, offer, provide, or authorize anything of value to a government official, directly or indirectly — or make direct or indirect political contributions — on Asana’s behalf.

Trade Sanctions and Export Controls

We expect suppliers to comply with all trade and export control laws, including U.S. trade sanctions.

Labor Standards

Every worker has the right to a safe and healthy workplace, and we require suppliers to uphold the same standards as Asana in relation to labor practices and human rights. This requirement on Asana’s suppliers includes, but is not limited to, taking action to eliminate and prevent any form of forced labor or child labor in their supply chain, providing a safe and healthy work environment for their workers, and ensuring that workers are paid fairly and in accordance with local laws and regulations.

Suppliers will not allow in their workplace any form of harassment or discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, physical or mental disability, ethnicity, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, protected military or veteran status, family or medical care leave, race, religion, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws.

Suppliers must follow the International Labour Organization’s Standards on Working Time and should provide fair wages to workers. Suppliers should provide written documentation of wages paid (such as pay slips), and may not practice wage deduction as a disciplinary measure. Suppliers will compensate overtime at a premium rate in accordance with applicable laws.

Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB)

Asana believes that diversity is a value-add for every organization and is committed to an authentic culture of inclusion and belonging. Suppliers will comply with all laws that support a diverse and inclusive workplace and consider the impact of business decisions on diversity, equity and inclusion in their workplace. Furthermore, Asana encourages suppliers to set commitments and goals to further DIB in their workplaces.

Environmental Sustainability

Suppliers will comply with all applicable environmental laws and consider how business decisions affect the environment. Suppliers will seek to reduce the environmental impact of their operations, including consumption of energy, water, and waste, where possible. Furthermore, Asana encourages suppliers to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals and implement measures to reduce their GHG emissions.

Quality and Safety

Suppliers must ensure that their products and services meet all applicable quality and safety standards. This includes but is not limited to following all relevant product safety regulations, adhering to industry standards, and implementing appropriate quality control measures.

Confidentiality and Security

As a leading SaaS provider, we believe that data privacy and security are critical to building trust with our customers, and we expect our suppliers to uphold the same standards. Suppliers must respect the confidential and proprietary information of the company and its customers. This includes but is not limited to safeguarding confidential information, implementing appropriate data security measures, and ensuring that all employees are aware of and comply with data privacy laws.

Suppliers’ use and disclosure of Asana data is limited. Suppliers may only use Asana data to fulfill a contractual obligation with Asana, which may include lawful processing or business purposes in accordance with relevant data protection laws and regulations and, if relevant, Asana’s data processing addendum. Suppliers cannot disclose Asana data, except as required by law or as directed by Asana.

Suppliers must exercise proper data governance. Suppliers must, where applicable, implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to manage the collection, use, retention, maintenance, access, and disclosure of Asana data.

Please note Suppliers must keep Asana's confidential information and/or proprietary information secret and confidential and shall not use such confidential information except for the purpose of exercising or performing its rights and obligations under or in connection with providing the goods or services to Asana.

Reporting and Monitoring

At Asana, we believe that transparency is key to building trust with our stakeholders, and we expect our suppliers to share this belief. Suppliers are expected to promptly report any violations of this Code of Conduct, as well as any concerns related to ethical or legal compliance. We reserve the right to monitor compliance with this Code of Conduct and the Supplier agrees to make available to Asana documentation and information that demonstrates the supplier’s compliance to this Code of Conduct including completed industry standard questionnaires and relevant certifications, internal policies and statements.

If a breach of this code is known or suspected, supplier workers may raise a concern via our Ethics and Compliance Helpline, Lighthouse:


Toll-Free Telephone in multiple languages:

  • Direct Dial

  • English-speaking USA and Canada: 833-203-3976

  • Spanish-speaking USA and Canada: 800-216-1288

  • French-speaking Canada: 855-725-0002

  • Spanish-speaking Mexico: 01-800-681-5340

  • AT&T Direct

    • Australia: 1-800-768-120

    • France: 0805-080039

    • Germany: 0800-183-0724

    • Iceland: 800-4319

    • Ireland: 1-800-948-326

    • Japan: 0800-888-6033

    • Netherlands: 0800- 023-3064

    • Singapore: 8004922583

    • Switzerland: 0800561024

    • UK: 0-808-189-0041

    • All other countries: 800-603-2869 (must dial country access code first click here for access codes and dialing instructions)

This reporting service is run by an independent third-party, is available 24-7, and allows you to submit an online report or share your concerns anonymously, where permitted by law.

By agreeing to do business with Asana, suppliers must comply with this Code of Conduct and to work with us to ensure that all products and services meet Asana’s standards of ethical and legal conduct.

Supplier’s failure to comply with the standards contained within the supplier Code may constitute Asana’s right for termination for cause of the working relationship with that supplier.