Easily create, apply, and update processes across projects in one place.
Standardize processes across teams to improve reliability in reporting.
Share bundles across teams to help them adopt best practices for better, faster results.
In just a few clicks, you can easily edit processes to support shifting business needs.
Make it adaptable: Include as many or as few features as you need for a bundle, and add multiple bundles across projects.
Make it secure: Choose who can edit a bundle.
Make a draft: Save bundles in-progress so you can get stakeholder buy-in before applying them to workstreams.
Create standards: Share processes and best practices across your organization.
Create options: Explore existing bundles in the bundles gallery and help teams adopt better processes.
Support changes: Update projects in flight all at once to meet shifting business needs.
Support visibility: See which projects have been updated as changes happen.
See how Asana can help your organization easily manage cross-team work.
Standarkan permintaan kerja agar tim memiliki informasi yang dibutuhkan sejak awal.
Lihat formulirStandarkan praktik terbaik tim dengan panduan siap pakai untuk proyek dan tugas.
Lihat templatVisualisasikan kondisi pekerjaan tim dengan bagan dan wawasan real time.
Lihat dasbor pelaporanSeiring dengan pertumbuhan Zoom, kami ingin mendapatkan tampilan standar tentang semua aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan agar kami dapat memprioritaskan pekerjaan dan membuat keputusan bisnis. Kami membutuhkan visibilitas, akuntabilitas, konsistensi dalam cara penyelesaian pekerjaan, dan berbagi pengetahuan di seluruh tim.
Ariel Chavan
Kepala Produk Keamanan dan Manajemen Program, Zoom
See why 85% of Fortune 100 companies choose Asana.*
*Accurate as of December 2023, includes free and paid users.