van de Fortune 500 zijn Asana-klanten*
betalende bedrijven in meer dan 200 landen en gebieden*
weekly active users*
153 resultaten worden weergegeven
Benefit Cosmetics delights beauty customers with Asana
Bending Spoons moves toward the #1 spot with Asana
How B Lab certifies and supports B Corps with Asana
Autodesk’s Customer Events team is 50% more efficient with Asana
Autodesk has grown site traffic by 30% three years in a row with Asana
Authority Hacker empowers their global team with Asana
Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development plans and runs events more efficiently with Asana
Adventure Travel Trade Association launches Climate Action programs 20-30% faster with Asana Professional Services
Start using Asana to simplify collaboration across teams, and see your team's entire workstream in one place for better results.
*Het percentage gebruikers uit de Fortune 500 in december 2023 en de wekelijkse actieve gebruikers en betalende bedrijven op 11 maart 2024. Zowel gratis als betalende gebruikers.