Asana uses AWS security and scalability to protect customer data, maintain high availability, and expand with our growing customers.
AWS services used by Asana include Elastic Compute Cloud, Kubernetes Service, Relational Database Service, and OpenSearch amongst others.
Asana is also available in the AWS Marketplace to provide fast-moving teams with a platform to simplify processes like: procurement, provisioning, and governance.*
By purchasing Asana through AWS Marketplace, you can receive volume pricing and flexible payment options from AWS.
With standardized licensing terms from AWS, organizations can reduce time on lengthy negotiations and streamline purchasing for their business.
AWS provides easy access to premium support, managed services, assessments, trainings, and other services to help onboard teams with Asana.
IDC's research demonstrates the impact Asana has on employee productivity and customer satisfaction.
정시에 완료된 우선순위가 높은 업무
총 생산성 증대
비즈니스 프로세스 실행 속도 증가
기한 내 완료하는 프로젝트 증가
오픈 API와 네이티브 연동을 통해 Asana를 조직에서 자주 사용하는 툴과 연동하여 업무를 연결하세요.
If you can make a list or send an email, you can use Asana. Starting a team is really that simple.
*Asana provides customers with a public and private offer option. With the public option listed on the AWS Marketplace, you can purchase Asana directly through AWS Marketplace. The private offer allows for custom terms and pricing negotiated directly with the Asana sales team. AWS offerings discussed above (e.g. volume discounts, payment flexibility, standard license terms, premium support, etc.) only apply to the AWS Marketplace public offer.
**IDC White Paper, Sponsored by Asana, The Business Value of the Asana Platform, Doc. #US50642023, June 2023