a smarter way to work

Organisasi terbesar di dunia percaya pada Asana

  • Logo Adobe
  • Logo NerdWallet
  • Merck (logo)
  • Logo Johnson & Johnson
  • Clear Channel
  • [Logo] Affirm

Nilai bisnis Asana

Riset IDC menunjukkan bahwa Asana membantu tim berfokus pada hal yang penting dan meningkatkan efisiensi¹


Pekerjaan prioritas tinggi tepat waktu diselesaikan pada waktunya


Keuntungan produktivitas bruto


Kecepatan dalam menjalankan proses bisnis meningkat


Lebih banyak proyek yang diselesaikan tepat waktu

Set and track goals across your organization

Connect strategic goals to the teams and projects that help achieve them. See progress in real-time, update stakeholders, and keep your company on track.

Goal tracking in Asana

Amplify your impact with Asana AI teammates

Reach goals faster with AI teammates that can give intelligent insights across teams and tools, automate tasks, orchestrate complex workflows at scale, and adapt to your changing needs and priorities.

Asana with Asana AI

Connect work across teams and tools

With everything in one unified platform, Asana helps teams see what everyone’s working on, stay on track, and focus on the work that matters most. 

Asana campaign launch template

Try Asana for free

Gabung dengan 85%* perusahaan Fortune 100 yang menggunakan Asana dan mulai bekerja lebih cerdas hari ini.