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Monitask + Asana

Easy-to-use automatic time tracking software for Asana.

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Install Monitask for Asana

App Benefits

Monitask allows employees and freelancers to manually start a clock when they begin working on an assignment. The application will take computer screenshots randomly or at intervals assigned by the employer, which can be reviewed online as evidence that work is being performed.

The Monitask time tracking software allows you to effectively monitor remote employees. The time tracker will record how many hours your freelancers work so you can effectively calculate payouts. With online monitoring and performance analysis, you can gauge how productive your employees are.

With the Monitask + Asana integration, you can synchronize tasks created in Asana to Monitask and track their completion time.

App Set Up Instructions

  1. Register a Monitask account here and complete account setup
  2. Create as many projects in Monitask as you planing to use with this integration on the Projects page
  3. Browse integrations page and click 'Add' near Asana integration
  4. Allow requested permissions
  5. On the opened page, click on the 'Add integration' button and login to your Asana account. Grant requested permissions
  6. On the opened page, connect Monitask projects with Asana projects and Monitask users with Asana users. On the last configuration tab click the 'Submit' button
  7. Please, wait for loading spinner to disappear - we are transferring tasks from selected Asana projects to selected Monitask projects
  8. Now you are done. Browse the tasks here or start tracking time on them in Monitask desktop application which can be downloaded here

Note: When you add a new task to configured project in Asana it will be automatically be created in Monitask and assigned to specified person

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This app integration is built by a third-party developer. Asana does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for this integration. Contact the app developer for details and support.

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