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Albato + Asana

Integrate Asana with more than 400 apps

What is Albato?

Albato is an automation service that allows you to connect to other apps and APIs in order to create reliable and scaled processes. With the Albato + Asana integration, you can integrate Asana with more than 400 apps.

Get Albato + Asana

To connect Asana to Albato:

  1. Sign up for Albato.
  2. Follow on-screen instructions to set up the connection with Asana.
  3. Once Asana is connected, create an automation scenario Bundle in Albato.
  4. Choose an app to send the data from. Specify which event should trigger the automation.
  5. Choose an app to receive the data and specify what action the automation should trigger.
  6. Test your Bundle.
  7. Done!

Learn more here.

Learn more and get support

To learn more about using the Albato Asana integration, visit the support page or email their team at

This app integration is built by a third-party developer. Asana does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for this integration. Contact the app developer for details and support.

Asana works with the tools you already use