GTD and productivity with Springest



Ruben Timmerman

An enthusiastic internet entrepreneur and the founder of Springest, a comparison website for training programs and courses as well as a user centered learning managing system (LMS) for enterprises. Springest's mission is to help people find their way in personal and professional development.

Ruben’s background is in marketing and he is a specialist in the fields of user experience, online marketing, learning, and productivity.

Goals for Asana

  • Grow fast while reinforcing holacracy over bureaucracy
  • Develop and responding quickly to the environment without losing structure
  • Have one way to implement GTD across the company
  • Create clarity and peace of mind

Best Practices

  • Make Asana work for you. Take some time to research best practices and explore tricks and hacks that'll increase productivity and efficiency. The Springest team has created their own meaning around unicode characters to further categorize tasks and Projects.
  • Integrate your company's unique organization strategies into the onboarding process for new employees. Intentional knowledge-spreading ensures that everyone's on the same page.
  • Do regular GTD peer reviews.
  • Get everything out of your head and into Asana. Quickly jot down tasks from your phone and clarify or add detail later.


Processing to Action

Ruben and the Springest team have created a morning ritual to make the most out of their work days and achieve maximum productivity from start to finish. The first step in the morning ritual is to process My Inbox and New Tasks in Asana. This allows team members to gain a sense of clarity and focus on the priority of the tasks before them, along with any company updates. Next, the tasks are organized using one of the 4 priority sections in My Tasks. The Springest team also shies away from assigning tasks that can't be done at the present moment. The last step in the morning ritual is to move into action.

Clarifying Roles

Springest uses Holacracy, a system for self-management, to increase accountability and organizational agility. When it comes to high-level planning, Springest uses an Alignment Roles project to keep the company on track and aware of who does what and who's supposed to do what. The project is filtered by Tasks By Assignee, which makes for a user-friendly reference of company roles.

High-level Planning

In order to set strategy and provide their team with a sense of purpose, Springest uses the Objective and Key Results (OKRs) framework. OKRs are typically organized into Projects where the Objectives are the tasks, the Key Results are the subtasks, and the comments section of a task, are used to grade each OKR.

Learn how to build an Objectives project in Asana here.

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