
Standardizza le best practice del tuo team con guide pronte all’uso per progetti e attività.

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Collaborate the right way
Collaborate the right way

Provide a roadmap for common processes, so teams never miss a beat.

Customize for any project
Customize for any project

Design every part of your template, from layout to automations.

Get started quickly
Get started quickly

Choose your template, then automatically assign tasks and due dates with a click.

Build best practices icon

Build best practices

  • Use our template library: Kick off work with 80 ready-made templates for common workflows.

  • Get a head start: Design your own processes with our template builder, then reuse them again and again. 

  • Repurpose what you have: Built something you like? Turn projects and tasks into templates with a single click.

Kickstart projects icon

Kickstart projects

  • Customize your template: Fill in project tasks, adjust your layout, and set up automations to instantly assign and organize work. 

  • Create project roles: Automatically assign work to the right person, even if your team changes. 

  • Set dynamic timelines: Pre-fill due dates according to your project’s start date or due date, with the option to skip weekends.

Standardize your tasks icon

Standardize your tasks

  • Be consistent: Create templates for common task types, from work requests to meeting action items. 

  • Capture what matters: Fill in the task description, apply custom labels, and automatically add your task to specific projects. 

  • Kick off with a click: Instantly assign work and set due dates relative to when you create your task.

Templates are just the start

Build out your automation engine with these additional features. It’s never been easier to get more done with less.

Visualizza tutte le funzionalità
Eric Edelson quote image
Once we standardized and templatized our marketing processes, our team was able to focus on creating powerful campaigns. I was able to take myself out of the execution phase because I knew I could see how work was progressing whenever I needed.

Eric Edelson

CEO of Fireclay Tile

Logo Fireclay Tile
Read the case study

Still have questions? We have answers.

I modelli di progetto e i modelli di attività sono disponibili per tutti i clienti con un piano Premium, Business ed Enterprise. Con i piani Business ed Enterprise puoi utilizzare funzionalità di modelli più avanzate. Scopri i prezzi o prova Asana Business gratuitamente per 30 giorni. Non è richiesta alcuna carta di credito.

Asana dispone di oltre 80 modelli pronti all’uso per i flussi di lavoro più comuni dei progetti. Scoprili tutti nella nostra libreria di modelli e lasciati ispirare per i tuoi modelli personalizzati.

Sei tu a decidere! Quando crei il modello, puoi scegliere chi dispone dell’accesso in modifica.

Dipende dal progetto in cui si trova. Chiunque abbia accesso al progetto può modificare il tuo modello di attività.

Non farti sfuggire nulla

Inizia il lavoro nel modo giusto, ogni volta. Scopri come il tuo team può risparmiare tempo con i modelli di Asana.

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