Craft project updates in minutes with time-saving automations.
Drag and drop project highlights like completed milestones and overdue tasks.
Automatically create charts to show status in real-time.
Program reminders so your team always knows when to post.
Get to the point: Start by selecting a project status: on track, at risk, off track, on hold, or complete.
Add text: Create custom headers and format text however you want—with lists, hyperlinks, emojis, and more.
Use real-time reporting: Drag and drop charts into your update to automatically visualize progress.
Embed task lists: Show completed or in-progress work with a single click.
Notify the right people: Automatically send updates to everyone in your project.
Set a cadence: Program reminders the day before updates are due, so your team can post on schedule.
Standardize your format: Save your custom sections and use them for the next update.
Status updates are just the start. Use them with Asana’s other project management features to keep your team in sync.
Visualisera teamets arbete med diagram och insikter i realtid.
Visa paneler för rapporteringAsana provides consistent visibility that ensures our senior leaders are clear on initiatives and goals across the roadmap. They can comment directly into status updates with any follow-up questions, and can easily click through to the project for more information.
Rhonda Cusack
Senior Project Manager, PMO
It’s never been easier to keep teammates in the loop. See how your team can save time with status updates.