Manage settings for your entire organization, in one place.
Add extra layers of protection so only the right people can log in.
Control who can access your organization's data.
View, add, and remove members in one central hub.
Log in safely: Turn on Google SSO and SAML authentication so users can securely access Asana without a password.
Reinforce your security: Add two-factor authentication to require a secondary form of verification.
Cap session duration: Choose how long users can stay logged in before they need to sign in again.
Strengthen passwords: Set length and character requirements to make logins more secure.
Control sharing: Specify what people can share outside your organization.
Preserve privacy: Choose how users can pull information for dashboards and reporting.
Set boundaries: Select which integrations people can use, what file types they can attach to tasks, and more.
Safeguard data on mobile: Control what users can download, screenshot, and copy-paste on the mobile app.
See everyone: Search a database of users and teams in your organization.
Add and remove accounts: Manage how many people are on your plan, and see deactivated accounts.
Monitor usage: See a snapshot of how people are using Asana, including engagement with the tool over time.
Manage billing: Update payment information, change your plan, and more.
Get a pulse on your organization with these features. Pair them with admin console to understand how your team works, in real time.
Se hur upptaget teamet är för att snabbt kunna balansera om arbetet.
Visa arbetsbelastningVisualisera teamets arbete med diagram och insikter i realtid.
Visa paneler för rapporteringNo matter how big your organization is, admin console lets you stay in control.