firm z listy Fortune 500 to klienci Asany*
firm z płatnym planem w ponad 200 krajach i obszarach geograficznych*
aktywnych użytkowników co tydzień*
Wyświetlanie wyników: 152
Techqueria builds social capital for Latinx in Tech with Asana
TDM Growth Partners streamlines their operational framework and investment processes with Asana
Stride increases client retention with Asana powers environmental advocacy and fundraising with Asana
Special Olympics Northern California and Nevada produces more impactful events with Asana
Social Factor fuels their rapid growth with Asana
Social Driver services 2X more clients with Asana
Skai’s retail media client success team triples rep capacity with Asana
SiteMinder scales faster globally with Asana
Showpo increases efficiency by 30% with Asana
Scribbr delivers 100% happiness guarantee with Asana
Quora streamlines their bug tracking process with Asana
Start using Asana to simplify collaboration across teams, and see your team's entire workstream in one place for better results.
* Odsetek firm z listy Fortune 500 wg stanu na grudzień 2023 r. Tygodniowa liczba aktywnych użytkowników oraz liczba firm z płatnym planem wg stanu na 11 marca 2024 r. Liczba użytkowników obejmuje użytkowników wersji darmowej i z planem płatnym.