Give a heart, get a heart this Valentine’s Day

February 14th, 2017
1 min read
Give a heart, get a heart this Valentine’s Day

Just in time for Valentine’s Day we’ve added a little extra celebration into Asana the best way we know how—with hearts! You already get to celebrate with a few mythical creatures when you complete a task, so it only feels appropriate that the Asana hearts feature should add some celebration to your day. Whether you love Valentine’s Day or wish you could skip straight to February 15th, we hope you’ll enjoy the extra ❤s today.

Say it with a ❤

At their core, hearts are a simple way to express a positive feeling. And our heart feature does just that. The Asana heart is a great (and easy) way to thank a teammate, express enthusiasm, give approval, show support, or simply let someone know you saw their work.

Give a heart, get a heart

When you heart something in Asana today, we’re going to celebrate YOU—with a burst of hearts. Why? Because we appreciate you and we love adding little bits of fun to your work day! So if you’re considering ❤ing a teammate’s task, comment, status update, file, etc., today’s the day to go for it.

Heart it with just a click

There are a few spots where you can express your enthusiasm, agreement, and gratitude with hearts in Asana.

  • From the right pane (where you see the details of a task), click the heart icon at the top next to the due date, or to the right of any comment on the task.

  • From a conversation within a project or team, click the heart icon next to the post.

  • From your Inbox, click on the heart icon or use the shortcut Tab + H in the notification.

Spread the ❤ and win

When you heart something on February 14th, we want to know!

  • Take a video or screenshot of the hearts celebration

  • Share it on Twitter using #withAsana and mention @asana

  • Enter for a chance to win a $75 gift card to BloomThat or $40 to Milk Bar

  • Entries must be submitted by midnight PST

  • Winners will be notified on February 15th

Now that’s sweet!

Use the keyboard shortcut Command+Shift+3 for a quick screen grab on a Mac or PrtScn on Windows.

Boring legal stuff: No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Participants must be 18 years of age or older and live in the US or Canada. Photos must be submitted on February 14 between 12:01am and 11:59pm PST to be eligible. Winners will be notified on Twitter. Winners must respond within 5 days to claim prizes. Winners must be part of a team in Asana. Read all of the contest rules here.

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